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Errors when update code to avoid deprecation warnings withUnsafeMutableBytes in swift 5



I've updated to swift 5 and one of the dependencies I use won't compile in swift 5. I've fixed it, but now I'm getting 350+ deprecation warnings all over the file. They're all similar to this:

withUnsafeMutableBytes is deprecated: use withUnsafeMutableBytes<R>(_: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R instead

And this is a snipit of the code (it's basically just calling a c library's functions):

var k = Data(count: crypto_generichash_keybytes())
k.withUnsafeMutableBytes { kPtr in

For reference, in the above crypto_generichash_keybytes() just returns a size_t and crypto_generichash_keygen's signature is void crypto_generichash_keygen(unsigned char k[crypto_generichash_KEYBYTES]);.

I figured out (as this answer states) that the way to get around this should be to call kPtr.baseAddress:

var k = Data(count: crypto_generichash_keybytes())
k.withUnsafeMutableBytes { kPtr in

as that should use the withUnsafeMutableBytes<ResultType> variant rather than the deprecated withUnsafeMutableBytes<ResultType, ContentType>. However, this instead results in the error

value of type 'UnsafeMutablePointer<_>' has no member 'baseAddress'.

If I explicitly specify the resultType and kPtr:

var k = Data(count: crypto_generichash_keybytes())
k.withUnsafeMutableBytes { (kPtr: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) -> Void in

I instead get

UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer' is not convertible to 'UnsafeMutablePointer<_>'.

Are there any swift experts out there that can help me figure out the right way to do this? I know the warnings are just warnings, but I prefer to have code that compiles with no warnings.

I took a look at Swift 5.0: 'withUnsafeBytes' is deprecated: use `withUnsafeBytes<R>(...) before posting this question and it doesn't help my situation as I'm not loading the pointer but rather using the data. Also, I've done exactly what the documentation tells me to but that still isn't helping.

EDIT: To be a bit more clear, some of the 350+ warnings were related to code where the Data is allocated in the code, however some of them are where I receive Data from an external source. That looks something like this:

let args = call.arguments as! NSDictionary
let server_pk = (args["server_pk"] as! FlutterStandardTypedData).data
let server_sk = (args["server_sk"] as! FlutterStandardTypedData).data
let client_pk = (args["client_pk"] as! FlutterStandardTypedData).data

var rx = Data(count: flutter_sodium.crypto_kx_sessionkeybytes())
var tx = Data(count: flutter_sodium.crypto_kx_sessionkeybytes())
let ret = rx.withUnsafeMutableBytes { rxPtr in
  tx.withUnsafeMutableBytes { txPtr in
    server_pk.withUnsafeBytes { server_pkPtr in
      server_sk.withUnsafeBytes { server_skPtr in
        client_pk.withUnsafeBytes { client_pkPtr in
          flutter_sodium.crypto_kx_server_session_keys(rxPtr, txPtr, server_pkPtr, server_skPtr, client_pkPtr)

with the corresponding method call

int crypto_kx_client_session_keys(unsigned char rx[crypto_kx_SESSIONKEYBYTES],
                                  unsigned char tx[crypto_kx_SESSIONKEYBYTES],
                                  const unsigned char client_pk[crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES],
                                  const unsigned char client_sk[crypto_kx_SECRETKEYBYTES],
                                  const unsigned char server_pk[crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES])
            __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));

(and I know that the code is not really optimal swift, but when dealing with interoperability between dart and swift this is what the flutter team came up with for how to do it).

When I asked the question I was trying to distill it down to the simplest case but that case had a specific answer which differs to the overall problem I'm having.

like image 287
rmtmckenzie Avatar asked Mar 27 '19 18:03


1 Answers

I wouldn't use Data here – Data represents an untyped collection of "raw" bytes, however crypto_generichash_keygen wants a mutable pointer to typed memory. The reason why the UnsafeMutablePointer<T> variant of withUnsafeMutableBytes was deprecated is that it's fundamentally the wrong abstraction to be providing on untyped memory.

The simplest way to get a buffer of typed memory in Swift is with an Array:

var k = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: crypto_generichash_keybytes())

You can always turn the resulting buffer into a Data value afterwards by saying Data(k).

Another option is to use an UnsafeMutableBufferPointer:

let k = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: crypto_generichash_keybytes())
defer {
// Now use the buffer `k` – just make sure you finish using it before the end of
// the scope when `deallocate()` gets called!

Unlike Array, this avoids having to pre-fill the resulting buffer with zeros before being passed off to the C API, however this likely isn't of concern. But just like Array, you can turn such a buffer into a Data by just saying Data(k).

For cases where you get handed a Data value from some external source and need to pass it off to an API as a typed pointer, the simplest and safest option is to just turn it into an array before passing it by saying Array(someData).

For example:

let args = call.arguments as! NSDictionary
let server_pk = (args["server_pk"] as! FlutterStandardTypedData).data
let server_sk = (args["server_sk"] as! FlutterStandardTypedData).data
let client_pk = (args["client_pk"] as! FlutterStandardTypedData).data

var rx = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: flutter_sodium.crypto_kx_sessionkeybytes())
var tx = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: flutter_sodium.crypto_kx_sessionkeybytes())

  &rx, &tx, Array(server_pk), Array(server_sk), Array(client_pk)

You probably could use withUnsafeBytes and call bindMemory on the underlying pointer, but I would discourage it, as it changes the type of the underlying memory which could subtly impact the soundness of any other Swift code sharing that memory due to the fact that you're switching out the type from under it.

like image 188
Hamish Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10
