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Error with validator (No validator could be found for type: java.util.Date.)



My friends,

I have class with ...

@NotBlank(message = "timesheet.cadastro.horainicio.obrigatorio")
@Column(name = "INICIO", nullable = false)
private Date horaInicio;

And, in my test (groovy) I put null to "horaInicio" :

def "Salvar um timesheet sem hora inicio"() {
    given:"um timesheet sem data"
        def usuario = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(Usuario.class,1L) as Usuario
        def dias = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(Dias.class,1L) as Dias
        def timeSheet = criarTimeSheet(usuario,dias) as TimeSheet
        timeSheet.horaInicio = null
    when:"buscar na base"
        def timeSheetPersistido = timeSheetService.salvar(timeSheet)
    then:"retorna uma lista de timesheet"
        def erro = thrown(ConstraintViolationException)

but I have error:

Expected exception javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException, but got javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException
    at org.spockframework.lang.SpecInternals.thrownImpl(SpecInternals.java:79)
    at br.com.infowhere.service.TimeSheetServiceIt.Salvar um timesheet sem hora inicio(TimeSheetServiceIt.groovy:80)
Caused by: javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException: HV000030: No validator could be found for type: java.util.Date.

Anybody can help me ?


like image 821
user812612 Avatar asked May 15 '13 02:05


1 Answers

As also said in documentation, @NotBlank is for String type. There is no concept of java.util.Date being blank. It can be null or not null.

Validate that the annotated string is not null or empty. The difference to NotEmpty is that trailing whitespaces are getting ignored.

If goal is to check is value not null, @NotNull should be used. According documentation:

The annotated element must not be null. Accepts any type.

like image 77
Mikko Maunu Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Mikko Maunu