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Error with Capture URL / Catch URL in HTTrack




I have a problem when click capture URL from HTTrack. That is it generate a Proxy address not correct.

This is result :

Please TEMPORARILY set your browser's proxy preferences to:

Proxy's address: fe80::141b:2ce3:3f57:fefb

Proxy's port: 8080

I disable IPV6. but it still such that. Can you see detail from http://clip2net.com/s/iyDXY7

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Hoc N Avatar asked Jul 20 '14 07:07

Hoc N

1 Answers

The following solution worked for me.

The problem comes from the fact that Windows 7 (maybe Vista and Windows 8, I haven't tested) forces HTTracks to generates IPv6 addresses for the proxy.

If you want to disable IPv6 on your machine, create a new registry key in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\TCPIP6\Parameters with the value "DisabledComponents"=dword:000000ff

For more information about how to set up HTTracks to catch URL with a proxy, go here.

like image 89
Yannickv Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09
