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Error while trying to run script in Xcode for firebase crash reporting

I am trying to integrate the crash reporting of firebase in my project. Though I am successfully getting the crash report in the firebase console I seem to get these 3 errors:

/Users/human/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/DummyProject-cousedziotoermfdyvgdmbmchdta/Build/Intermediates/DummyProject.build/Debug-iphoneos/DummyProject.build/Script-45E477EF1D33D4631052B160.sh: line 3: /Users/human/DummyProject/ServiceAccount.json: Permission denied

cat: : No such file or directory

Command /bin/sh emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure

How do I resolve these errors?

I followed these instructions in firebase

like image 695
MrDank Avatar asked Oct 31 '22 00:10


1 Answers

Try the following:

  1. Replace the Run Script build phase you added in Step 3b of the instructions with the simplified:


    In short, delete everything but the last line. This will put upload-sym in interactive mode. If you did not use Cocoapods to install FirebaseCrash, use the full path to the upload-sym script where you installed the framework.

  2. Delete any cached credentials you may have accidentally added:

    /bin/rm -f $HOME/Library/Preferences/com.google.SymbolUpload.plist
    /bin/rm -f $HOME/Library/Preferences/com.google.SymbolUploadToken.plist
  3. Do a build. When the Run Script build phase starts, you will be prompted with a dialog for the location of the JSON credential file you downloaded in Step 1 of the instructions. You will only be prompted once. Future builds will have the information in the credential cache. If you have permission problems, make sure you have the right JSON file and repeat step 2 above.

like image 152
Robert Menke Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 13:11

Robert Menke