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Error when trying to run `pod trunk push [cocoapod].podspec`

When trying to push an update to my cocoapod framework to the repo with pod trunk push as mentioned in the title, I get the following error:

[!] Authentication token is invalid or unverified. Either verify it with the email that was sent or register a new session.

I've updated the cocoapod before, how do I verify my email or session?

Edit: Sometimes I also get the error: [!] You need to register a session first.

like image 924
Justin Vallely Avatar asked Apr 29 '16 06:04

Justin Vallely

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<CocoaPods Trunk. CocoaPods Trunk is an authentication and CocoaPods API service. To publish new or updated libraries to CocoaPods for public release you will need to be registered with Trunk and have a valid Trunk session on your current device.

1 Answers

  1. Run the following command in terminal:

    pod trunk register [email protected] 'Your Name'

  2. Click the link in the email that is sent to you.

  3. Run your pod trunk push command in terminal again

like image 78
Justin Vallely Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 20:10

Justin Vallely