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Error when downloading cygwin packages from mirror sites in installation phase [closed]



I'm having these two problems when trying to install cygwin :

  1. When choosing "Direct Connection" or "Use Internet Explorer Settings" the installation wizard doesnt download any mirror site, even if those are accessible from my browser
  2. When I add manually a site and select it to proceed I get the error in the second and third pictures

enter image description here

enter image description here

And here is the complete logs found under the cygwin install directory :

2017/02/14 12:12:17 Starting cygwin install, version 2.877
2017/02/14 12:12:17 User has backup/restore rights
2017/02/14 12:12:17 io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/setup.rc) failed 2 No such file or directory
2017/02/14 12:12:17 Current Directory: C:\Users\meee\Downloads
2017/02/14 12:12:17 Could not open service McShield for query, start and stop. McAfee may not be installed, or we don't have access.
2017/02/14 12:12:27 source: network install
2017/02/14 12:12:29 root: C:\cygwin system
2017/02/14 12:12:45 Selected local directory: C:\Users\meee\Downloads
2017/02/14 12:12:50 net: IE5
2017/02/14 12:14:21 site: http://mirrors.metapeer.com/cygwin/;mirrors.metapeer.com;United States;Washington/
2017/02/14 12:14:23 mbox note: Internal Error:  gcrypt library error 60 illegal tag.
2017/02/14 12:14:46 mbox note: Mirror Error:  Setup.ini signature http://mirrors.metapeer.com/cygwin/;mirrors.metapeer.com;United States;Washington/x86/setup.xz.sig from http://mirrors.metapeer.com/cygwin/;mirrors.metapeer.com;United States;Washington/ failed to verify.
Possible corrupt mirror?  Setup.ini rejected.
2017/02/14 12:14:48 mbox note: Internal Error:  gcrypt library error 60 illegal tag.
2017/02/14 12:14:49 mbox note: Mirror Error:  Setup.ini signature http://mirrors.metapeer.com/cygwin/;mirrors.metapeer.com;United States;Washington/x86/setup.bz2.sig from http://mirrors.metapeer.com/cygwin/;mirrors.metapeer.com;United States;Washington/ failed to verify.
Possible corrupt mirror?  Setup.ini rejected.
2017/02/14 12:14:50 mbox note: Internal Error:  gcrypt library error 60 illegal tag.
2017/02/14 12:14:51 mbox note: Mirror Error:  Setup.ini signature http://mirrors.metapeer.com/cygwin/;mirrors.metapeer.com;United States;Washington/x86/setup.ini.sig from http://mirrors.metapeer.com/cygwin/;mirrors.metapeer.com;United States;Washington/ failed to verify.
Possible corrupt mirror?  Setup.ini rejected.
2017/02/14 12:14:52 mbox note: Unable to get setup from <http://mirrors.metapeer.com/cygwin/;mirrors.metapeer.com;United States;Washington/>
2017/02/14 12:14:53 io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/installed.db) failed 2 No such file or directory
2017/02/14 12:15:04 io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/setup.rc) failed 2 No such file or directory
2017/02/14 12:15:04 Ending cygwin install

How can I solve this error ?

like image 535
mounaim Avatar asked Feb 13 '17 10:02


People also ask

What download site should I use for Cygwin?

Choose a download site. "http://mirrors.kernel.org" is a good choice. "http://cygwin.mirrors.hoobly.com" is another good one, in Pennsyvania.

Where are Cygwin packages installed?

Information on installed packages is kept in the /etc/setup/ directory of your Cygwin installation; if setup.exe cannot find this directory it will act as if you have no Cygwin installation.

1 Answers

this happened to me as well. I was behind our workplace proxy and had initially selected the 'use system settings' for the proxy (in the relevant setup page).

This was what's causing grief. I went back to that setup step and manually defined my proxy IP and port. Hit next and I was presented with the prompt to enter proxy auth creds. Did that and next and voila it worked!

like image 82
Vicer Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 17:10
