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Error: Unable to access jarfile bfg.jar - BFG




So I have mistakenly committed my secrets.yml in previous commits (yikes!!) and I want to clean my git commit history of it. It seems the fasted simplest way is to use BFG. I have downloaded the jar file and installed the Java is requires, and I have created a mirror of my repo - but when I run the command as per the docs:

java -jar bfg.jar --delete-files secrets.yml my-repo.git

I get the error Unable to access jarfile bfg.jar

The docs are plenty pretty, but doesn't specify if there is something I should have done to install this or get it running, or linked to my mirror repo, and I am plenty confused. I watched a youtube tutorial that says I should create a symbolic link using a command like;

ln -s ~/bfg-1.11.6.jar /usr/local/bin/bfg

to run the bfg, except I am uncertain what the second part of that command is referring to( /usr/local/bin/bfg ) or where it should be pointing in my case, as that does not work for me as-is. I have the jar file saved in my user root directory. Do I need to move it? How do I run BFG on my mirror repo, and should I be inside my mirror app's directory when I run it?Or do I run it from outside of the app?

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HolyMoly Avatar asked Sep 06 '15 22:09


People also ask

How do I access Jarfile?

Select Java as the default program for JarFiles If Java isn't listed among the programs, select the Look for another app on this PC option. Then browse to the Java bin folder, select Java and press the Open button. Press the OK button on the Open with window. Click the Jar to launch its program.

2 Answers

2015: From the documentation, it should be:

java -jar bfg.jar <options> yourrepo

Try and use the full path of the jar if you have an error like "Unable to access jarfile bfg.jar": /home/user/path/to/bfg.jar.

If the jars are configured to be run with java, then /usr/local/bin/bfg would be the path of the symlink referencing the right bfg jar.

The alternative is described in "Remove sensitive data"

git filter-branch --force --index-filter \
'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch Rakefile' \
--prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all

Or (update Nov. 2017), as commented by JeremyDouglass,

If you download the latest (e.g. from 1.12.16, the bfg-1.12.6.jar) and you only want to use standard commands in a local staging directory only (no path, no symlink), then you can simply rename the jar:

mv bfg-1.12.16.jar bfg.jar 
java -jar bfg.jar --delete-files bad.txt repo.git

2019-2020: more recently, you would now use You should use git filter-repo (that I mentioned here).

Install it first. (python3 -m pip install --user git-filter-repo)

Then, using a path-based filter:

git filter-repo --path secrets.yml --invert-paths HEAD

HEAD means it will change only your current branch commits.
Remove HEAD and it will go over all your commits in all your branches.

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VonC Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10


Once you've installed BFG (e.g. using brew install BFG), you can call the BFG command in terminal.
Here is the command line help for BFG:

bfg 1.13.0
Usage: bfg [options] [<repo>]

  -b, --strip-blobs-bigger-than <size>
                           strip blobs bigger than X (eg '128K', '1M', etc)
  -B, --strip-biggest-blobs NUM
                           strip the top NUM biggest blobs
  -bi, --strip-blobs-with-ids <blob-ids-file>
                           strip blobs with the specified Git object ids
  -D, --delete-files <glob>
                           delete files with the specified names (eg '*.class', '*.{txt,log}' - matches on file name, not path within repo)
  --delete-folders <glob>  delete folders with the specified names (eg '.svn', '*-tmp' - matches on folder name, not path within repo)
  --convert-to-git-lfs <value>
                           extract files with the specified names (eg '*.zip' or '*.mp4') into Git LFS
  -rt, --replace-text <expressions-file>
                           filter content of files, replacing matched text. Match expressions should be listed in the file, one expression per line - by default, each expression is treated as a literal, but 'regex:' & 'glob:' prefixes are supported, with '==>' to specify a replacement string other than the default of '***REMOVED***'.
  -fi, --filter-content-including <glob>
                           do file-content filtering on files that match the specified expression (eg '*.{txt,properties}')
  -fe, --filter-content-excluding <glob>
                           don't do file-content filtering on files that match the specified expression (eg '*.{xml,pdf}')
  -fs, --filter-content-size-threshold <size>
                           only do file-content filtering on files smaller than <size> (default is 1048576 bytes)
  -p, --protect-blobs-from <refs>
                           protect blobs that appear in the most recent versions of the specified refs (default is 'HEAD')
  --no-blob-protection     allow the BFG to modify even your *latest* commit. Not recommended: you should have already ensured your latest commit is clean.
  --private                treat this repo-rewrite as removing private data (for example: omit old commit ids from commit messages)
  --massive-non-file-objects-sized-up-to <size>
                           increase memory usage to handle over-size Commits, Tags, and Trees that are up to X in size (eg '10M')
  <repo>                   file path for Git repository to clean
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Pradeep Kachhawaha Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Pradeep Kachhawaha