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ERROR: The ejabberd node 'ejabberd@localhost' is already running



  1. I am installing ejabberd but when I run this through terminal using ./start command. It gave the error that the ejabberd node ejabberd@localhost is already running.

  2. I have uninstalled the ejabberd and again installed it through installer but
    it gave the same error.

like image 887
akshay Avatar asked Jul 21 '15 03:07


2 Answers

I face similar issue, using ubuntu as operating system.

I simply use command ps -aux | grep -i 'ejabberd' which list down ejabberd processes. Than I kill all those processes (by collecting process ID's from above command than use command e.g "kill 98167 87654").

This fixed problem for me.

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Syed Adeel Ali Rizvi Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 21:11

Syed Adeel Ali Rizvi

I tested from fresh install with OSX ejabberd installer on OSX 10.10.4 and after install I can start ejabberd just fine.

So, it seems that you already have something running in your environment that is interacting with ejabberd / ejabberd installer in a bad way.

Here is what you need to check:

  1. Check if ejabberd is actually running with the following ejabberdctl command:

    $ bin/ejabberdctl status

    You can also try starting / stopping ejabberd directly with ejabberdctl stop and ejabberdctl start

  2. Check the Erlang running processes with ps aux | grep beam. Here is what I get when ejabberd is actually running:

    $ ps aux | grep beam mremond 53977 0.0 0.2 2526548 41872 ?? S 7:47PM 0:01.73 /Applications/ejabberd-15.06/bin/beam.smp -K true -P 250000 -- -root /Applications/ejabberd-15.06 -progname /Applications/ejabberd-15.06/bin/erl -- -home /Users/mremond -- -sname ejabberd@localhost -noshell -noinput -noshell -noinput -pa /Applications/ejabberd-15.06/lib/ejabberd-15.06/ebin -mnesia dir "/Applications/ejabberd-15.06/database/ejabberd@localhost" -ejabberd log_rate_limit 100 log_rotate_size 10485760 log_rotate_count 1 log_rotate_date "" -s ejabberd -sasl sasl_error_logger {file,"/Applications/ejabberd-15.06/logs/erlang.log"} -smp auto start

  3. Check what you see in /Applications/ejabberd-15.06/logs files. Pay specifically attention to error.log and install.log

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Mickaël Rémond Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 22:11

Mickaël Rémond