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Error: Stopping ADB Server Failed (Code -1) {Installing API's - Android SDK}




I am in the process of Downloading and installing the most recent Android API's and System images on my recent install of Android SDK.

While downloading the API's, I ran across an error fairly quickly into the install.

Parse XML:    https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/sys-img.xml
  Found Intel x86 Atom System Image, Android API 15, revision 1
Done loading packages.
Preparing to install archives
Downloading Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 13
Installing Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 13
Stopping ADB server failed (code -1).
Installed Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 13

The Error is this one:

Stopping ADB server failed (code -1).

I am curious, will this effect the outcome of the installation? It says that it installed, and it continued onto the next API, so did this effect it?

I assume this happened because I am downloading the API's over a Tethered Android mobile device right now, which is indeed dependent on ADB to tether to the computer. So if it were to stop, it would cancel the download, making the install impossible anyway.

So really, the main question is whether this will effect the installation, not being able to stop ADB while installing and downloading the API's.

And if this will effect the install, couldn't I just follow the links listed for each API' download manually and install manually? Considering I am on the Mobile Device I treat every bit as gold. Despite the fact I have an unlimited data plan, I prefer to not be one of the ones who get capped for being in the top 5%, which actually happened to me on my old AT&T plan.

So any way to be able to do this once, and do it without stopping ADB, would be great. Just need your thoughts folks.

Thanks for your time, I appreciate it.

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insomnia Avatar asked Jul 20 '12 03:07


1 Answers

According to http://sitepoint.com/beginning-android-install-an-android-platform, that error message occurs "because the ADB server isn’t running at this point." Which implies you can safely ignore it: The ADB server doesn't need to be running; the installation process is just trying to stop it if it is running.

Seems to me the dev team should really let you know that this error doesn't represent a problem, instead of highlighting it in red, as they still do (as of Dec. 2014).

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LarsH Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 23:09
