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Error: Status{statusCode=DEVELOPER_ERROR, resolution=null}

You need to add your SHA1 key to firebase console configuration. You can do it in this way:

Firebase console ( https://console.firebase.google.com ) -> your project -> configuration -> scroll to

enter image description here

You can find your SHA1 key running "Signing report" from Android Studio:

enter image description here

Then, look the "run tab" and click the button:

enter image description here

I think it's the easier way. Hope this help.

Probably you created the configuration file using the SHA1 of your production token, use the androiddebugkey alias to gather the SHA1 corresponding to the debug version of your app and copy the configuration file to the 'app' directory, you should have both configuration files (one for debug purposes and another for production environment).

Based on the walkthrough published in https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/android/start

enter image description here

The way I fixed it was by picking up the key corresponding to the highlighted text. Due to the confusing usage of the word 'server' in Firebase's documentation page I was picking up the Server key . Which was the reason for the problem.

You can find the key here.

I had the same issue and I got it working by doing these steps:

1.Add DEBUG_KEYSTORE SHA1 fingerprint to the firebase project. use the following command(MAC/LINUX)

  keytool -exportcert -list -v \-alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore  

2.Now Generate a signed apk of your project. The process includes generating a keystore for your app's release version.

  Copy the path of the newly generated .jks file.

3.Now generate RELEASE_KEYSTORE SHA1 fingerprint using the following command

  keytool -list -v -keystore FULL_PATH_TOJKS_FILE -alias ALIAS_NAME

4.Copy the new SHA1 from the output and add it as another SHA1 fingerprint in your firebase application console.

Now you are good to go! ---- Hope! it helps.

I was having the same problem, how I solved it is that I had different applicationId in my gradle file than the package name in my manifest file. And I used to applicationId to create the json file. I had to change my package name to what my applicationId was and that fixed it for me.

Alternatively to the answers provided here, you can use Android Studio's Firebase Assistant to automatically add your SHA-1 to your project with the click of some buttons.

In Android Studio, go to Tools > Firebase > Select 'Authentication' and click the link that says 'Email and password authentication'.

This will bring you a little tutorial on how to integrate Authentication to your project, but since you've probably done all that, just click 'Connect to Firebase' and you're done.