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Error response from daemon: manifest for ibmblockchain/fabric-peer:latest not found

I'm trying to run the docker pull ibmblockchain/fabric-peer command, but I'm getting this error message:

Error response from daemon: manifest for ibmblockchain/fabric-peer:latest not found.

Is there any other way to pull this image ? Also trying to pull another images but get same error message.

like image 935
jitendra korde Avatar asked Aug 30 '17 05:08

jitendra korde

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1 Answers

As you can see on below link the tag is not available


You should use 1.0.1

 docker pull ibmblockchain/fabric-peer:1.0.1 
like image 87
Tarun Lalwani Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 19:11

Tarun Lalwani