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Error PostgreSQL delete with INNER JOIN

Postgres 8.4

FROM processing_transaction AS pt 
INNER JOIN processing_transaction_movement AS ptm 
ON pt.processing_transaction_id = ptm.processing_transaction_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN test_package tesp ON pt.test_package_id = tesp.test_package_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN test_batch tbat On tesp.test_batch_id = tbat.test_batch_id
WHERE pt.processing_transaction_type = 'TEST';

I get following error:

ERROR: syntax error at >>INNER<< LINE 1: DELETE FROM processing_transaction AS pt INNER JOIN processi...

Please could you help me to find the error in my SQL-query

Thank you for your support @desislavkamenov @jan. Now I used this:


DELETE FROM processing_transaction AS pt USING processing_transaction_movement AS ptm, test_package tesp, test_batch tbat WHERE pt.processing_transaction_type = 'TEST'; AND pt.processing_transaction_id = ptm.processing_transaction_id AND pt.test_package_id = tesp.test_package_id AND tesp.test_batch_id = tbat.test_batch_id


But I need to delete data from two tables (processing_transaction and processing_transaction_movement) , I have looking for somethink like that and found out that I can do it with "ON DELETE CASCADE". But I don´t know how to use this here. So Please help me again.

like image 498
k1000 Avatar asked Nov 13 '12 16:11


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And please read the manual: there is no INNER JOINavailable for the DELETE statement: postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/sql-delete.html – a_horse_with_no_name Aug 1 '12 at 6:53 any alternate method for executing this query without inner join

Is there an inner join for the DELETE statement?

And please read the manual: there is no INNER JOINavailable for the DELETE statement: postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/sql-delete.html – a_horse_with_no_name

Is it possible to join two tables in a DELETE statement?

The SQL standard does not include any option to "join" tables in a DELETE statement. So Postgres' USINGoption is just as non-standard as the JOINoption MySQL and SQL Server use. Neither of them defines the "standard" and e.g. Oracle and DB2 have not option at all to "join" other tables

1 Answers

You can't use JOIN in DELETE statement. Instead use USING and put the second table there. Something like this should work (sorry but i can't test it, so run it after BEGINing a transaction and check the results if they are what you expect before COMMITting it; ROLLBACK if they aren't).

FROM processing_transaction AS pt 
USING processing_transaction_movement AS ptm, test_package tesp, test_batch tbat 
WHERE pt.processing_transaction_type = 'TEST'
AND pt.processing_transaction_id = ptm.processing_transaction_id
AND pt.test_package_id = tesp.test_package_id
AND tesp.test_batch_id = tbat.test_batch_id

Here is a link to the documentation. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-delete.html

like image 174
Desislav Kamenov Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Desislav Kamenov