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Error pages in go based web application

We are building a web site with go using only the built-in stuff like http.HandleFuncto set up routing and the html.template package to render pages. Nothing fancy really and it works fine. Now I got around to thinking about error handling and would like to catch panics and whatnots and redirect to a static error page. What is the best way to do it with go?

The brute force approach I have been pondering first is to just redirect when an error is detected but it would be nice with a generic catch-all also. I didn't find anything in the docs about it.

(Also thinking about 404s along the same lines.)

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froderik Avatar asked Dec 11 '12 14:12


1 Answers

There's a great write up on the golang blog about error handling and it specifically covers web related errors towards the end.


Basically, you wrap the regular http handlers with your own that can return an error. The wrapper checks if your new handlers return an error and if so react. I use something similar to this where i also call recover. Here's a snippet of the code I use (which is free and open).

While I dont yet provide a custom page for errors, it's been on my mind and should be trivial to add.

// Error is the expected return of a dae.Handler, or nil otherwise.
type Error struct {
    Error   error
    Code    int
    Message string

// NewError is a helper for creating an Error pointer.
func NewError(err error, code int, msg string) *Error {
    return &Error{err, code, msg}

// Handler is used to cast functions to its type to implement ServeHTTP.
// Code that panics is automatically recovered and delivers a server 500 error.
type Handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) *Error

// NewHandler is a helper to chain multiple functions together.
func New(fn ...Handler) Handler {
    if len(fn) == 0 {
        panic("No Handlers passed in.")

    h := Handler(fn[0])
    for i := 1; i < len(fn); i++ {
        h = h.Add(fn[i])
    return h

// ServeHTTP implements the http.Handler interface. If an appHandler returns an
// error, the error is inspected and an appropriate response is written out.
func (fn Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); r != nil {
            log.Printf("%v", r)
            http.Error(w, "A serious error has occured.", 500)
            if Debug {

    if e := fn(w, r); e != nil {
        log.Printf("Code: %v, Message: \"%s\", Error: %v", e.Code, e.Message, e.Error)
        switch e.Code {
        case 500:
            http.Error(w, e.Message, e.Code)
        case 404:
            http.NotFound(w, r)
            fmt.Fprint(w, e.Message)
        case 200:
            fmt.Fprint(w, e.Message)
like image 50
dskinner Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
