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Error: package or namespace load failed for XLConnect

I'm installing XLConnect library in R studio but, unable to do so.

I know that this package has java dependency and my R software and java both are 64 bit. Also, both have configured correctly. I have also installed rJava package before installing XLConnect. This package was working properly but, now I'm getting this error.


ERROR: package or namespace load failed for'XLconnect':
.onload failed in loadNamespace() for XLConnect, details:
Call. System2("cat",c("/etc/*-release"), stdout =TRUE, stderr = TRUE) error: ' "cat" not found.

Please help me.

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Rishabh Avatar asked Apr 14 '21 07:04


2 Answers

This worked for me: install prior version until they fix this at CRAN:

install_version("XLConnect", version = "1.0.2", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")

https://github.com/miraisolutions/xlconnect/issues/132 also recommends:

install.packages("XLConnect", type="source", INSTALL_opts = c("--no-multiarch"))
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Bryce Chamberlain Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 06:11

Bryce Chamberlain

If still relevant, adding rtools to "path" (system environment variable) worked for me.

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user16105956 Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 07:11
