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Error on dump or dd laravel adding a character before result

All request and dumps in laravel add a ^before a result, that's only do that in dd or dump

exemple of error

exemple dd Request:all()

This effect generate a lot of errors on my code, someone past some like that?

like image 348
Guilherme Freire Avatar asked Dec 02 '19 20:12

Guilherme Freire

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1 Answers

I had the same problem with laravel framework Lumen (5.8.12) and I solved the problem by returning to version 5.8.4.

The Origin of the problem seems to be the Symfony VarDumper Component (\vendor\symfony\var-dumper\Cloner\Data.php, line 302):

$dumper->dumpScalar($cursor, 'default', '^');

Should be:

 $dumper->dumpScalar($cursor, 'default', '');


It is there for a useful reason. In terminal if you hover over the mouse on that ^ sign it will show you the file path from where this dump is coming from! I think it's really a useful thing but I don't see it working in browser. So, it should either be removed from borwser or fix the issue there.

like image 142
Gabriel Guzmán Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 19:10

Gabriel Guzmán