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Error: Invalid login: Application-specific password required

i want send Welcome notification when user sign in using Cloud-Function with firebase auth so i m using nodejs CLI and run the code

my index.js file 'use strict';

    const functions = require('firebase-functions');
    const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
    // Configure the email transport using the default SMTP transport and a GMail account.
    // For Gmail, enable these:
    // 1. https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps
    // 2. https://accounts.google.com/DisplayUnlockCaptcha
    // For other types of transports such as Sendgrid see https://nodemailer.com/transports/
    // TODO: Configure the `gmail.email` and `gmail.password` Google Cloud environment variables.

    const gmailEmail = functions.config().gmail.email;
    const gmailPassword = functions.config().gmail.password;
    const mailTransport = nodemailer.createTransport({
      service: 'gmail',
      auth: {
        user: gmailEmail,
        pass: gmailPassword,

    // Your company name to include in the emails
    // TODO: Change this to your app or company name to customize the email sent.
    const APP_NAME = 'Cloud Storage for Firebase quickstart';

    // [START sendWelcomeEmail]
     * Sends a welcome email to new user.
    // [START onCreateTrigger]
    exports.sendWelcomeEmail = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user) => {
    // [END onCreateTrigger]
      // [START eventAttributes]
      const email = user.email; // The email of the user.
      const displayName = user.displayName; // The display name of the user.
      // [END eventAttributes]

      return sendWelcomeEmail(email, displayName);
    // [END sendWelcomeEmail]

    // [START sendByeEmail]
     * Send an account deleted email confirmation to users who delete their accounts.
    // [START onDeleteTrigger]
    exports.sendByeEmail = functions.auth.user().onDelete((user) => {
    // [END onDeleteTrigger]
      const email = user.email;
      const displayName = user.displayName;

      return sendGoodbyeEmail(email, displayName);
    // [END sendByeEmail]

    // Sends a welcome email to the given user.
    async function sendWelcomeEmail(email, displayName) {
      const mailOptions = {
        from: `${APP_NAME} <[email protected]>`,
        to: email,

      // The user subscribed to the newsletter.
      mailOptions.subject = `Welcome to ${APP_NAME}!`;
      mailOptions.text = `Hey ${displayName || ''}! Welcome to ${APP_NAME}. I hope you will enjoy our service.`;
      await mailTransport.sendMail(mailOptions);
      console.log('New welcome email sent to:', email);
      return null;

    // Sends a goodbye email to the given user.
    async function sendGoodbyeEmail(email, displayName) {
      const mailOptions = {
        from: `${APP_NAME} <[email protected]>`,
        to: email,

      // The user unsubscribed to the newsletter.
      mailOptions.subject = `Bye!`;
      mailOptions.text = `Hey ${displayName || ''}!, We confirm that we have deleted your ${APP_NAME} account.`;
      await mailTransport.sendMail(mailOptions);
      console.log('Account deletion confirmation email sent to:', email);
      return null;

i refer this code https://github.com/firebase/functions-samples/blob/master/quickstarts/email-users/functions/index.js

but after i ran the code i got error

    Error: Invalid login: 534-5.7.9 Application-specific password required. Learn more at
534 5.7.9  https://support.google.com/mail/?p=InvalidSecondFactor i82sm13686303ilf.32 - gsmtp
    at SMTPConnection._formatError (/srv/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/index.js:784:19)
    at SMTPConnection._actionAUTHComplete (/srv/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/index.js:1523:34)
    at SMTPConnection._responseActions.push.str (/srv/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/index.js:550:26)
    at SMTPConnection._processResponse (/srv/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/index.js:942:20)
    at SMTPConnection._onData (/srv/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/index.js:749:14)
    at TLSSocket.SMTPConnection._onSocketData.chunk (/srv/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/index.js:195:44)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263:12)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:250:11)

i also Allow less secure apps From your Google Account and also done 2 step-verification Here but still got an error

I read all "Similar Questions" here in stackoverflow and I don't know if I need anything else or if I'm doing anything bad

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SHUBHAM SHEDGE Avatar asked Mar 16 '20 07:03


3 Answers

If you have enabled 2-factor authentication on your Google account you can't use your regular password to access Gmail programmatically. You need to generate an app-specific password and use that in place of your actual password.


Log in to your Google account Go to My Account > Sign-in & Security > App Passwords (Sign in again to confirm it's you) Scroll down to Select App (in the Password & sign-in method box) and choose Other (custom name) Give this app password a name, e.g. "nodemailer" Choose Generate Copy the long generated password and paste it into your Node.js script instead of your actual Gmail password.

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SHUBHAM SHEDGE Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10


You need to use an application password for this purpose. This issue will arise when 2 Step verification is turned-on for your Gmail account. You can bypass it by using app password. here is how to generate an app password.

  1. Select your profile icon in the upper-right corner of Gmail, then select Manage Google Account.

  2. Select Security in the left sidebar.

  3. Select App passwords under the Signing into Google section. You're then asked to confirm your Gmail login credentials.

  4. Under Select app, choose Mail or Other (Custom name), then select a device.

  5. Select Generate.

  6. Your password appears in a new window. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process, then select Done.

google doc : https://support.google.com/mail/answer/185833?hl=en#zippy=%2Cwhy-you-may-need-an-app-password

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AMAL MOHAN N Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10


Generate a password from https://security.google.com/settings/security/apppasswords and use that password instead.

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Codemaker Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10
