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Error: 'int' object is not subscriptable - Python

I was trying a simple piece of code, get someone's name and age and let him/her know when they turn 21... not considering negatives and all that, just random.

I keep getting this 'int' object is not subscriptable error.

name1 = raw_input("What's your name? ") age1 = raw_input ("how old are you? ") x = 0 int([x[age1]]) twentyone = 21 - x print "Hi, " + name1+ " you will be 21 in: " + twentyone + " years." 
like image 723
Gal Appelbaum Avatar asked Nov 22 '11 01:11

Gal Appelbaum

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1 Answers

When you type x = 0 that is creating a new int variable (name) and assigning a zero to it.

When you type x[age1] that is trying to access the age1'th entry, as if x were an array.

like image 94
Jonathon Reinhart Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 09:09

Jonathon Reinhart