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Error in FTP connection using domain name, username and password?

I have following details only

domain name:Mydomain.com (I have not Server IP address) UserId: abc Password:123456

when I am trying to connect ftp through Filezilla or Myftp it gives error like

Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NONAME - Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known".

Please suggest me solution.

like image 542
Pallavi Avatar asked Aug 27 '13 09:08


People also ask

Why FTP is not connecting?

Your firewall could be blocking it. Ensure you have the IP address in your welcome email for hostname (only the numbers; don't add FTP, www, or anything else). Make sure your username and password are the same as your control panel username and password. Some FTP programs require a path to connect.

2 Answers

I had this error too. My domian name was a subdomain like xxx.yyy.com And cpanel ftp configuration guided me that ftp server is ftp.xxx.yyy.com Fillzilla was unable to connect and showed this error:

Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NONAME - Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known".

This error is for dns resolving. I just removed "ftp." from ftp.xxx.yyy.com and it works now

like image 192
Amir Hossein Jamsidi Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Amir Hossein Jamsidi

Remove "ftp." from HOST name. e.g. if your website is http://www.example.com & you are using "ftp.example.com" then try with "example.com" only as host name.... it simply worked with me!

like image 43
Sirsendu Chakraborty Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Sirsendu Chakraborty