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Error Handling in ActiveRecord Transactions?

I need to create a row in both tickets and users table... I just need to know how to process in case the transaction fails.

@ticket.transaction do     @ticket.save!     @user.save! end     #if (transaction succeeded)         #.....     #else (transaction failed)         #......     #end 

On a side note I'd just like to thank everyone who participates at stack overflow for helping a designer learn more programming... I appreciate the time you guys take out of your day to answer n00b questions like this :)

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Kevin Avatar asked Dec 21 '09 01:12


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1 Answers

If you are using the save! method with a bang (exclamation point), the application will throw an exception when the save fails. You would then have to catch the exception to handle the failure.

begin   @ticket.transaction do     @ticket.save!     @user.save!   end   #handle success here rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid    #handle failure here end 
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MattMcKnight Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
