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Error: Expected one matching request for criteria "Match by function: ", found none

I have a userService.spec.ts file that I want to test.The code goes this way. It calls a get function that calls the ADMIN_API_URL.I tried testing the given file but got an error that is mentioned in the title. My user.service.spec.ts file.

 describe('Service: User service', () => {
 let httpMock: HttpTestingController;
 let userService: UserService;
 let url: string;

  beforeEach(() => {
    imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],
     providers: [
    { provide: AUTH_API_URL, useValue: 'https://auth.example.com/api/' 
    { provide: SSO_API_URL, useValue: 'https://sso.example.com/auth/api/' },
    { provide: WIT_API_PROXY, useValue: 'https://wit.example.com/api/'},
    { provide: ADMIN_API_URL, useValue: 'https://admin.example.com/api/'},
    { provide: REALM, useValue: 'realm' },
httpMock = TestBed.get(HttpTestingController);
url = TestBed.get(ADMIN_API_URL);
userService = TestBed.get(UserService);

 it('Get user by user name returns valid user', (done) => {
const testUser = [{
  'attributes': {
    'fullName': 'name',
    'imageURL': '',
    'username': 'myUser'
  'id': 'userId',
  'type': 'userType'
userService.getUsersByName('name').subscribe((user) => {
const req = httpMock.expectOne(request => request.method === 'GET'
&& request.url === `${url}search/users?q=name`);
req.flush({data: testUser});

I tried testing all the things that I had in my mind but still can't find what is wrong with my code.Am I doing any silly mistake?.

like image 450
Rajat Singh Avatar asked Dec 30 '18 07:12

Rajat Singh

People also ask

What does this error mean - expected one matching request found none?

Error: Expected one matching request [...], found none. This simply means that your URL doesn't match. Or you can simply try to match the request. Other solution : since you rely on environment variables, you can run this test instead :

Can I delete the @matchifang expectone parameter?

You can delete it afterwards. @matchifang expectOne (url: string) is one of the signatures : you have 3. One of them is expectOne (matchFn: Function) : you can provide a callback function, that has an HttpRequest object as the parameter : by logging this object, you can get the URL that has been called.

Is'match by function'a bug?

This is not a bug. I had similar issue "Match by function: ", found none. It is solved after i added empty handler for then () in-case the method returns a Promise and subscribe () in-case method returns a Observable.

Why did expectone fail with a found none error?

If your expectOne failed with a "found none", and verify did not fail, then your service must not actually have called http.put (). Add some logging or step through the test in a debugger to see what's actually happening. As other answers have pointed out, this could be due to timing issues.

2 Answers

Most likely the URLs are not matching. The expectOne condition (request.url === `${url}search/users?q=name`) is likely failing. You can log your mock request URL to see what the actual URL is.

const req = httpMock.expectOne(request => {
    console.log("url: ", request.url);
    return true;
like image 85
Atif Majeed Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09

Atif Majeed

In my case the tested service had a dependency on some other service, which I mocked. The mocked dependency missed mocked function which was called by the tested service. This error was silently swallowed.

Once the mocked function has been added, it started to work correctly.

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Felix Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09
