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error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘{’ token



I am working on a project that parses a text file thats suppose to be a simple coded program. The problem is that when I try to complile the program I get this error:

In file included from driver.c:10:
parser.c: In function Statement’:
parser.c:24: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, asm or __attribute__ before ‘{’ token
parser.c:153: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, asm or __attribute__ before ‘{’ token
parser.c:159: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, asm or __attribute__ before ‘{’ token
parser.c:167: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, asm or __attribute__ before ‘{’ token
parser.c:176: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, asm or __attribute__ before ‘{’ token
parser.c:185: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, asm or __attribute__ before ‘{’ token
parser.c:194: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, asm or __attribute__ before ‘{’ token
parser.c:201: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, asm or __attribute__ before ‘{’ token
parser.c:209: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, asm or __attribute__ before ‘{’ token
driver.c:19: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, asm or __attribute__ before ‘{’ token
driver.c:50: error: old-style parameter declarations in prototyped function definition
driver.c:50: error: expected ‘{’ at end of input

Im not familiar with this error and not sure how to fix it.

Here is my parser.c file which the error is happening in:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "parser.h"

AST_NODE* Program(AST_NODE* node);
AST_NODE* Statement(AST_NODE* node)
AST_NODE* AssignStmt(AST_NODE* node);
AST_NODE* Print(AST_NODE *node);
AST_NODE* Repeat(AST_NODE* node);
AST_NODE* Exp(AST_NODE* node);
AST_NODE* Factor(AST_NODE* node);
AST_NODE* Term(AST_NODE* node);

AST_NODE* parser(TOKEN* token,AST_NODE* node, FILE* input_file)
    AST_NODE temp = malloc(sizeof(AST_NODE*));

    if(token->type == Id)
        temp-> tok = token;
        node -> child1 = temp;
        return node
    if(token->type == keyword)
        if(strcmp(node->attribute, "print") == 0)
            temp -> type = print;
            node -> child1 = temp;
            return node;
        else if(strcmp(node->attribute, "repeat") == 0)
            temp -> type = repeat;
            node -> child1 = temp;
            return node;
        return node->prev;
    if(token->type == num)

        temp->type = factor;
        temp->tok = token;
        AST_NODE temp2 = Exp(Term(temp));
        node-> child3 = temp2

        return node;//back to ID->term->exp then to either print repeat or assignment
    if(token->type == addOp)
        temp-> tok = token;
        node-> child2 = temp;
        return node;
    if(token->type == multOp)
        temp-> tok = token;
        node-> child2 = temp;
        return node;
    if(token->type == assignment)
        temp->type = assignStmt;
        temp->tok = token; 
        node->child2 = temp;
        return node;
    if(token->type == semicolon)
        temp-> type = assignStmt;
        temp-> tok = token;
        if(node->type == keyword)
            node->child3 = temp;
            node->child4 = temp;
        return node;
    if(token->type == lparen)
        temp -> tok = token;
        if(node->type == repeat)
            node->child2 = temp;
            node->child1 = temp;

        return node = node->prev;
    if(token->type == rparen)
        temp -> tok = token;
        if(node->type == repeat)
            node->child4 = temp;
            node->child3 = temp;

        return node;
    }else if(token->type == newLine)
        while(node->type != program)
            node = node->prev;
        return node;

        if(token->type == Id)
            AST_NODE temp2 =  AssignStmt(Program(node));
            temp->type = Id;
            temp->tok = token
            temp->prev = temp2;
            temp2-> child1 = temp;
            return temp2;
        }else if(strcmp(token->attribute,"print"))

            AST_NODE temp2 =  Print(Program(node));
            temp->type = print;
            temp->tok = token
            temp->prev = temp2;
            temp2-> child1 = temp;
            return temp2;
        }else if(strcmp(token->attribute,"repeat"))

            AST_NODE temp2 =  Repeat(Program(node));
            temp->type = repeat;
            temp->tok = token
            temp->prev = temp2;
            temp2-> child1 = temp;
            return temp2;
        return NULL;

AST_NODE* Program(AST_NODE* node)
    node->type = program;
    return node;
AST_NODE* Statement(AST_NODE* node)
    AST_NODE temp = malloc(sizeof(AST_NODE*));
    temp-> type = statement;
    temp-> prev = node;
    node->child1-> temp;
    return temp;
AST_NODE* AssignStmt(AST_NODE* node)
    AST_NODE temp = malloc(sizeof(AST_NODE*));
    temp->type = assignStmt;
    temp-> prev = node;
    node->child1-> temp;
    return temp;

AST_NODE* Print(AST_NODE* node)
    AST_NODE temp = malloc(sizeof(AST_NODE*));
    temp->type = print;
    temp-> prev = node;
    node->child1-> temp;
    return node;

AST_NODE* Repeat(AST_NODE* node)
    AST_NODE temp = malloc(sizeof(AST_NODE*));
    temp->type = repeat;
    temp-> prev = node;
    node->child1-> temp;
    return node;

    AST_NODE temp = malloc(sizeof(AST_NODE*));
    temp->type = exp;
    temp->child1-> node;
    return temp;
AST_NODE* factor(AST_NODE* node)
    AST_NODE Temp = malloc(sizeof(AST_NODE*));
    temp->type = factor;
    node->child1-> temp;
    return temp;

AST_NODE* Term(AST_NODE* node)
    AST_NODE temp = malloc(sizeof(AST_NODE*));
    temp->type = term;
    temp->child1-> node;
    return temp;


Here is my driver.c file where I am also getting the error "old-style parameter declarations in prototyped function definition expected '{' at end of input". This also I am very unfamiliar with.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "parser.c"
#include "parser.h"

AST_NODE* parser(TOKEN* token,AST_NODE node, FILE *input_file);

int main(void)
    TREE *current = 0;
    FILE *input_file = fopen("test.txt", "r");
    TOKEN *token = (TOKEN*) malloc(sizeof(TOKEN));
    TOKEN *tok = (TOKEN*) malloc(sizeof(TOKEN));
    AST_NODE* node = malloc(sizeof(AST_NODE));

    token = scan(input_file);

        if(token->type != null)
            printf("%s", token->attribute);
            if(token->checkR == ';')

                tok->type = semicolon;
                tok->attribute = ";";
            }if(token->checkR == ')')
                tok->type = rparen;
                tok->attribute = ")";
    return 0;

Here is my parser.h file where I declare my TOKEN and my AST_NODE to create my tree and form my tokens to fill the tree.

#ifndef _parser_h
#define _parser_h

typedef enum token_type

typedef struct token{
    int type;
    char *attribute;
    char checkR;

typedef enum node_type

typedef struct ast_node{
    NODE_TYPE type;
    TOKEN *tok;
    struct AST_NODE *prev;
    struct AST_NODE *child1;
    struct AST_NODE *child2;
    struct AST_NODE *child3;
    struct AST_NODE *child4;
    struct AST_NODE *child5;



There is one more file called scanner.c but I know its working perfectly because I have tested it in all the possible inputs and got no problems.

If anyone could help I would appreciate it very much.

like image 482
bigfetz Avatar asked Oct 08 '12 10:10


3 Answers

AST_NODE* Statement(AST_NODE* node)

is missing a semicolon (a major clue was the error message "In function ‘Statement’: ...") and so is line 24,

   return node

(Once you fix those, you will encounter other problems, some of which are mentioned by others here.)

like image 195
Jim Balter Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 15:10

Jim Balter

  1. You seem to be including one C file from anther. #include should normally be used with header files only.

  2. Within the definition of struct ast_node you refer to struct AST_NODE, which doesn't exist. C is case-sensitive.

like image 28
ugoren Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 14:10


I encountered the same problem in the code and What I did is I found out all the changes I have made from the last correct compilation. And I have observed one function declaration was without ";" and also it was passing a value and I have declared it to pass nothing "void". this method will surely solve the problem for many.


like image 37
Viscon Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 16:10
