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Error Checking for PDO Prepared Statements [duplicate]




I'm trying to create proper error handling for queries on a MySQL database using PDO prepared statements. I want the program to exit the moment an error in the prepared statement process is detected. Taking advantage of the fact that each step in the PDO prepared statement process returns False on failure, I threw together this repugnant hack:

 global $allFields;
 global $db;
 global $app;
 //dynamically append all relevant fields to query using $allFields global
 $selectQuery = 'SELECT ' . implode($allFields, ', ') .
     ' FROM People WHERE ' . $fieldName . ' = :value';
 //prepared statement -- returns boolean false if failure running query; run success check
 $success = $selectQueryResult = $db->prepare($selectQuery);
 $success = $selectQueryResult->bindParam(':value', $fieldValue, PDO::PARAM_STR);
 $success = $selectQueryResult->execute();

with checkSuccess() doing the following:

function checkSuccess($success) {
    if ($success == false) {
        //TODO: custom error page. 
        echo "Error connecting to database with this query.";

Two things. First, this is horribly verbose and stupid. There must be a better way. Obviously I could store the booleans in an array or something to take out a line or 2 of code, but still.

Second, is it even necessary to check these values, or should I just check the result after I perform this line of code:

$result = $selectQueryResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

I already have code that does this:

if ($result) { //test if query generated results
    // do successful shit

else {
    echo "404";
    $app->response()->status(404); //create 404 response header if no results

As much as I try to break the prepared statement process by inserting weird, mismatched, or lengthy queries, my program always makes it to the $result assignment without returning false on any of the functions where I run checkSuccess(). So maybe I don't need to be checking the above logic at all? Keep in mind that I check for a successful database connection earlier in the program.

like image 847
user1427661 Avatar asked Mar 07 '13 15:03


2 Answers

I preffer setting the error mode to throwing exceptions like this:


right after I connect to the database. So every problem will throw an PDOException So your code would be:

$selectQuery = '
                    ' . implode($allFields, ', ') . ' 
                    ' . $fieldName . ' = :value
    $selectQueryResult = $db->prepare($selectQuery);
    selectQueryResult->bindParam(':value', $fieldValue);
catch(PDOException $e)
    handle_sql_errors($selectQuery, $e->getMessage());

where the function would be:

function handle_sql_errors($query, $error_message)
    echo '<pre>';
    echo $query;
    echo '</pre>';
    echo $error_message;

In fact I am using a general function that also has something like

$debug = debug_backtrace();
echo 'Found in ' . $debug[0]['file'] . ' on line ' . $debug[0]['line'];

to tell me where was the problem if I am running multiple queries

like image 99
mishu Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09


You have to catch PDOException:

try {
    //your code/query
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    //Do your error handling here
    $message = $e->getMessage();


like image 35
Emery King Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09

Emery King