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Error: Cannot be accessed directly CakePHP



Element file I am calling:

      $brand = $this->requestAction('brands/buyer_getnames/');

Action file I am calling:

    public function buyer_getnames(){
    return $name['Brand']['name'];

Getting error below..!!

Private Method in BrandsController

Error: BrandsController::buyer_getnames() cannot be accessed directly.

Please help

like image 494
jsduniya Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 09:03


1 Answers

Request action respects normal url routing rules

If you're using prefix routing then you can't access function prefix_foo() via a url of the form /controller/prefix_foo - it needs to be the corresponding prefix url: /prefix/controller/foo.

As such your request action call should be:

$brand = $this->requestAction('/prefix/brands/getnames/');

Note that if the only thing that method does is call a model method, you're better off simply doing:

$model = ClassRegistry::init('Brand');
$brand = $model->someMethod();
like image 173
AD7six Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 12:04
