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Erratic Invalid Viewstate issue in a .NET application

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How do I fix invalid ViewState error?

Try storing the view state in the session By default, the view state is round-tripped by means of an <input type=hidden> field that is sent to the browser. The browser then sends the field back to the server on the next request.

What does invalid ViewState mean?

Invalid viewstate can happen for a variety of reasons. Viewstate is too big and has not finished rendering before a user causes a postback on the page.

What is ViewState in ASP.NET c#?

View state is the method that the ASP.NET page framework uses to preserve page and control values between round trips. When the HTML markup for the page is rendered, the current state of the page and values that must be retained during postback are serialized into base64-encoded strings.

How do you check ViewState?

You can check viewstate on executed ASP.NET page by viewsource from browser. There you can find _VIEWSTATE kind of hidden field. ViewState increases the size of the page because page and page control value store in it.

This appears to be the same IE8 issue that many people have been experiencing. What appears to happen is that somehow IE8 (in both IE8 rendering mode and IE7 compatibility mode) will lose 4096 bytes out of the middle of the HTML document and this missing data causes this exception (you usually see this in a ScriptResource or WebResource call).

Here is a Microsoft bug report on the issue: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=434997

Also there are plenty of forum, blog etc posts on this issue:

  • Invalid Webresource.axd parameters being generated
  • IE 8 dropping memory pages?
  • http://forums.asp.net/t/1373410.aspx?PageIndex=1
  • http://forums.asp.net/p/1409964/3085329.aspx

Microsoft has responded to this issue:

Note is a bug in Internet Explorer 8. The Internet Explorer team has been investigating this issue.

Impact: Thus far, we believe the problem has no impact on the end-user's experience with the web application; the only negative effect is the spurious/malformed requests sent by the JavaScript speculative-download engine. When the script is actually needed by the parser, it will properly be downloaded and used at that time.

Circumstances: The spurious-request appears to occur only in certain timing situations, only when a META HTTP-EQUIV tag containing a Content-Type with a CHARSET directive appears in the document, and only when a JavaScript SRC URL spans the 4096th byte of the HTTP response body.

Workaround: Hence, we currently believe this issue can be mitigated by declaring the CHARSET of the page using the HTTP Content-Type header rather than specifying it within the page.

So, rather than putting

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8">

In your head tag, instead, send the following HTTP response header:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Note that specification of the charset in the HTTP header results in improved performance in all browsers, because the browser's parsers need not restart parsing from the beginning upon encountering the character set declaration. Furthermore, using the HTTP header helps mitigate certain XSS attack vectors.

NOTE: There have been reports that this problem still happens when the META HTTP-EQUIV is not on the page. We will update this comment when we have more investigation.

Posted by Microsoft on 6/30/2009 at 12:25 PM.

Edit: I still see this exception occasionally, but this bug is reported as being fixed: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ieinternals/archive/2010/04/01/ie8-lookahead-downloader-fixed.aspx

I guess you are using ASP.NET AJAX. I am having the same problem. Sporadically I would find this exception in my Event Log, and the requested path is ALWAYS ScriptResource.axd.

Using fixed validationKey and decryptionKey in machineKey did not fix the problem for me.

Based on what I was able to gather, I tend to believe that this error has nothing to do with the ViewState whatsoever; my theory is that for some reason, certain UAs somehow mess up the "d" parameter of the ScriptResource.axd. The problem is easily replicable by requesting the offending path manually. This gives an "Invalid ViewState" exception, even though ViewState doesn't even apply here.

Digging through my logs, I found for example:

This request is served OK (200): /ScriptResource.axd?d=oFCAB7_vUyp7Hhe9lxZBz37lpoAxhfbWwwdfFy3Zd3z41W_33Y_9Dq6i10g9Q1NRCY1n0_DNg1nE6-DDbsD6r4EiuwoeDzp9mjDDfBNLb1k1&t=41df03cc

This slightly different request is also served OK (200): /ScriptResource.axd?d=oFCAB7_vUyp7Hhe9lxZBz37lpoAxhfbWwwdfFy3Zd3z41W_33Y_9Dq6i10g9Q1NR5ijsxQts4AfbJdACRwmQ8sHt6UAzui3spEnooPneTz01&t=41df03cc

This request fails with a 500 response and the Invalid ViewState exception: /ScriptResource.axd?d=oFCAB7_vUyp7Hhe9lxZBz37lpoAxhfbWwwdfFy3Zd3z41W_3products$ctl00$AddToCart1$id

If you look closely, the first few characters on all three request are the same, but the last few characters of the last request (in bold) clearly is Control ID "products$ctl00$AddToCart1$id" (I have a controls named products and AddToCart). I don't know how this ID got there, but in my case this is what is causing all these Invalid ViewState exceptions.

I'm not sure whether this is the same case as the OP or not, but I notice Martin's Request URL ends in "html", which is a bit of a coincidence for a parameter that is supposed to be a key...

I already have a headache thanks to this problem. And so far, the most insightful post I came across is this one http://bytes.com/topic/asp-net/answers/861764-invalid-viewstate-system-string-decryptstringwithiv

Any insights?

Viewstate issues are annoying and frustrating - I've noticed a few people have talked about having Viewstate issues in this thread. So, here are some suggestions you can look at in order.

  1. I'd echo what Freddy Rios has said in the thread already. Make sure that you've hardcoded the machine key. This will solve the vast majority of these issues. The important thing about the ScriptResource link is that it should have a d parameter and a t parameter in the querystring. If it doesn't something else is wrong!

  2. Don't let the user postback until your done. You could probably do this with javascript and a bit of css. From memory, I think there is a way to do this with a meta tag but it might be IE only.

  3. I would look at is flushing the response early. I would think after the script manager would be best. But you might need to experiment a bit.

  4. If your viewstate looks bloated, turn on GZip compression on in IIS.

  5. If your viewstate has became really bloated and you can't get GZip compression turned on/or it has an undesired side affect. Then you can compress and uncompress the viewstate. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/viewstate/ViewStateCompression.aspx

  6. If that still leaves you with a bloated viewstate, you could look at storing the viewstate locally. http://blog.arctus.co.uk/articles/2007/04/23/advanced-asp-net-storing-viewstate-in-a-database/ is a good starting point.

Use a fixed machine key (even when doing single server).

The issue occurs when using the auto configuration for the machine key, you get a new one each time the app domain is recycled. This affects viewstate validation, dynamic resources query string decryption and authentication tickets [insert other uses of the machine key].