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equivalent to the javascript operator || in scala



In javascript, we can do something like:

value = f1() || f2() || f3();

this will call f1, and assign it to value if the result is not null. only if the result is null, it will call f2, and assign it to value if that is not null. ...

A way to achieve this in scala is given here: How to make this first-not-null-result function more elegant/concise? create a getFirstNNWithOption function that calls each function until not null:

value = getFirstNNWithOption(List(f1 _, f2 _, f3 _))

However, this is not as nice as the javascript || operator, which is more flexible. eg:

value = f1() || f2(3) || f3(44, 'ddd') || value4;

is there a way to achieve this in scala?

like image 900
David Portabella Avatar asked Jan 04 '12 10:01

David Portabella

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2 Answers

Since your are using function returning Option.

The best solution would be to use Chaining Option like it is explained here Option's chaining

So you would do

like image 183
Andy Petrella Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Andy Petrella

I am using the recommended Option instead of null.
For example:

class OptionPimp[T](o: Option[T]) {
  def ||(opt: => Option[T]) = o orElse opt
  def ||(t: => T) = o getOrElse t
implicit def optionPimp[T](o: Option[T]) = new OptionPimp(o)

def f1(): Option[Int] = None
def f2(): Option[Int] = None
def f3(): Option[Int] = Some(3)

val value1 = f1() || f2() || f3() || 4 // yields 3
val value2 = f1() || f2()         || 4 // yields 4
like image 40
Peter Schmitz Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11

Peter Schmitz