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equivalent of gsub for Pandas Series / DataFrame




What is the equivalent of R's sub / gsub functions for Python pandas' Series or DataFrame ?

For example, in R, my code is

schData<-gsub("/"," by ",schData,ignore.case=F)

What would be equivalent operation in Python when schData above is as follows:

>>> type(schData)
Out[N]: pandas.core.series.Series

for regular strings there is the re.sub function but that only seems to work with strings

like image 429
uday Avatar asked Feb 17 '14 16:02


1 Answers


That the type of thing you're looking for?

Python pandas equivalent for replace Has a few little examples.

PS: please include a reproducible example next time =)

like image 181
James Tobin Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 07:10

James Tobin