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Equivalent of Ctrl-W for IntelliJ Mac

The cheatsheet says that for expanding selection I should use Ctrl-Up, but it doesn't work for me on the latest intelliJ, with Mac OS X 10.7.4

What is the equivalent of Ctrl-W for IntelliJ in Mac OS X?

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Elazar Leibovich Avatar asked Sep 20 '12 13:09

Elazar Leibovich

People also ask

How do I navigate to functions in IntelliJ Mac?

Navigate to a file with the Navigation bar Use the Navigation bar as a handy tool to find your way across the project. Press Alt+Home to activate the Navigation bar. Use the arrow keys or the mouse pointer to locate the desired file. Double-click the selected file, or press Enter to open it in the editor.

How do I find shortcuts in IntelliJ?

IntelliJ IDEA includes several predefined keymaps and lets you customize frequently used shortcuts. To view the keymap configuration, open the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S and select Keymap. IntelliJ IDEA automatically suggests a predefined keymap based on your environment.

How do I run a shortcut code in IntelliJ?

Ctrl Ctrl. We can run anything from anywhere by pressing the Ctrl key twice. No matter where we are in the IDE or which file is open, if we double tap Ctrl the Run Anything window opens.

2 Answers

Depends on Preferences | Keymap. The action is called Select Word at Caret.

  • Mac OS X keymap: CmdW (Cmd=Meta)
  • Mac OS X 10.5+ keymap: AltUp (Alt=Option=)
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CrazyCoder Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 15:10


Select word: option+Up arrow

(IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.3 on macOS Sierra 10.12)

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Do Nhu Vy Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 16:10

Do Nhu Vy