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Equal-height scaling cells in an html table

I'm having some trouble with HTML tables when I make this design: The left-hand cell is a rowspan="2" cell, and the right two are using height="50%" attributes. Below is the expected behavior:

    |             |                 |
    |             |   Equal-height  |
    |             |   cell #1       |
    |             |                 |
    | Scaling-    +-----------------+
    | height cell |                 |
    |             |   Equal-height  |
    |             |   cell #2       |
    |             |                 |

What actually happens:

    |             |   Equal-height  |
    |             |   cell #1       |
    |             +-----------------+
    |             |                 |
    | Scaling-    |                 |
    | height cell |   Equal-height  |
    |             |   cell #2       |
    |             |                 |
    |             |                 |

In short, the top of the right-hand two cells is reduced as small as possible, and the bottom one fills the rest of the space. There is an ugly workaround using embedded tables, but I was wondering if there was a more elegant solution. This can also be circumvented by assuming a fixed height for the left-hand cell, and forcing the size (in pixels) for the right-hand cells. This defeats the purpose of a scaling-height cell, though.

like image 323
jbzdarkid Avatar asked Nov 24 '22 04:11


1 Answers

Really late...how about using javascript as follows where height is a number you set?

function SetCellHeight(height) {
    document.getElementById('ReferenceCell').style.height = height + 'px';
    document.getElementById('Cell1').style.height = (0.5 * height) + 'px';     
    document.getElementById('Cell2').style.height = (0.5 * height) + 'px';

<body onload="SetCellHeight(height)">

<table border=1>
<td id="ReferenceCell" rowspan="2">First Column</td>
<td id="Cell1">Cell #1</td>
<td id="Cell2">Cell #2</td>

Alternatively, the user can set height as follows:

function SetCellHeight() {
    var height = document.forms.tdHeightForm.heightinput.value.trim();
    document.getElementById('ReferenceCell').style.height = height + 'px';
    document.getElementById('Cell1').style.height = (0.5 * height) + 'px';     
    document.getElementById('Cell2').style.height = (0.5 * height) + 'px';

<form id="tdHeightForm"><input type="text" name="heightinput"><button type="button" 
onclick="SetCellHeight()">Change Height</button></form>
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The One and Only ChemistryBlob Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 08:12

The One and Only ChemistryBlob