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enumerate groups in a dataframe

i have the following table

date        ui  mw  maxw    tC  HL    msurp
01/03/2004  A   10   10     eC  0.25   0.1
01/04/2004  A   10   10     eC  0.25   -0.1
01/03/2004  B   20   20     bC  0.5    0.3
01/03/2004  B   20   20     bC  0.25    0.3

what i am looking to do is add a column to this table that basically enumerates the unique combinations of ui, mw, maxw, tC and HL and enumerates

so for example in the above table

unique combinations of ui, mw, maxw, tC and HL are

 A,10, 10, eC, 0.25
 B,20, 20, bC, 0.5
 B,20, 20, bC, 0.5

There are total 3 so the output should be something like

date        ui  mw  maxw    tC  HL    msurp  counter
01/03/2004  A   10   10     eC  0.25   0.1    1
01/04/2004  A   10   10     eC  0.25   -0.1   1
01/03/2004  B   20   20     bC  0.5    0.3    2
01/03/2004  B   20   20     bC  0.25    0.3   3
like image 622
qfd Avatar asked Aug 18 '17 17:08


People also ask

How can I see my groups in pandas?

By doing groupby() pandas returns you a dict of grouped DFs. You can easily get the key list of this dict by python built in function keys() . Save this answer.

How do you get Groupby rows in pandas?

You can group DataFrame rows into a list by using pandas. DataFrame. groupby() function on the column of interest, select the column you want as a list from group and then use Series. apply(list) to get the list for every group.

What is group by () in pandas library?

Pandas groupby is used for grouping the data according to the categories and apply a function to the categories. It also helps to aggregate data efficiently. Pandas dataframe. groupby() function is used to split the data into groups based on some criteria.

What is grouped DataFrame?

Group DataFrame using a mapper or by a Series of columns. A groupby operation involves some combination of splitting the object, applying a function, and combining the results. This can be used to group large amounts of data and compute operations on these groups.

1 Answers

Option 1

   counter=df[['ui', 'mw', 'maxw', 'tC', 'HL']].apply(tuple, 1).factorize()[0] + 1)

         date ui  mw  maxw  tC    HL  msurp  counter
0  01/03/2004  A  10    10  eC  0.25    0.1        1
1  01/04/2004  A  10    10  eC  0.25   -0.1        1
2  01/03/2004  B  20    20  bC  0.50    0.3        2
3  01/03/2004  B  20    20  bC  0.25    0.3        3

Option 1.5
More obnoxious version of option 1 but should be faster

        *[df[c].values.tolist() for c in ['ui', 'mw', 'maxw', 'tC', 'HL']]
    )))[0] + 1

         date ui  mw  maxw  tC    HL  msurp  counter
0  01/03/2004  A  10    10  eC  0.25    0.1        1
1  01/04/2004  A  10    10  eC  0.25   -0.1        1
2  01/03/2004  B  20    20  bC  0.50    0.3        2
3  01/03/2004  B  20    20  bC  0.25    0.3        3

Option 2
@ayhan's answer (will delete if he posts it)

    counter=df.groupby(['ui', 'mw', 'maxw', 'tC', 'HL']).ngroup() + 1)

         date ui  mw  maxw  tC    HL  msurp  counter
0  01/03/2004  A  10    10  eC  0.25    0.1        1
1  01/04/2004  A  10    10  eC  0.25   -0.1        1
2  01/03/2004  B  20    20  bC  0.50    0.3        3
3  01/03/2004  B  20    20  bC  0.25    0.3        2

Code Below

(lambda r: r.div(r.min(1), 0).assign(best=lambda x: x.idxmin(1)))(results)

             pir1      pir2     ayhan   best
100     17.260639  1.000000  3.438354   pir2
300     30.550010  1.000000  2.598456   pir2
1000    43.201163  1.000000  1.236190   pir2
3000    61.593932  1.000000  1.025420   pir2
10000  127.003138  2.177171  1.000000  ayhan

enter image description here

pir1 = lambda d: d.assign(counter=d[['ui', 'mw', 'maxw', 'tC', 'HL']].apply(tuple, 1).factorize()[0] + 1)
pir2 = lambda d: d.assign(counter=pd.factorize(list(zip(*[d[c].values.tolist() for c in ['ui', 'mw', 'maxw', 'tC', 'HL']])))[0] + 1)
ayhan = lambda d: d.assign(counter=d.groupby(['ui', 'mw', 'maxw', 'tC', 'HL']).ngroup() + 1)

results = pd.DataFrame(
    index=[100, 300, 1000, 3000, 10000],
    columns='pir1 pir2 ayhan'.split(),

for i in results.index:
    d = pd.concat([df] * i, ignore_index=True)
    for j in results.columns:
        stmt = '{}(d)'.format(j)
        setp = 'from __main__ import d, {}'.format(j)
        results.set_value(i, j, timeit(stmt, setp, number=10))

like image 152
piRSquared Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 14:10
