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EntityFramework with WEB API, update all properties

I'm using EF with WEB API. I have a PUT Method which updates a entity which already is in the db. Right now I have this:

        // PUT api/fleet/5
        public void Put(Fleet fleet)
            Fleet dbFleet = db.Fleets.Find(fleet.FleetId);
            dbFleet.Name = fleet.Name;
            dbFleet.xy= fleet.xy;
            //and so on....

But I'm lazy and would just like to write something like:


So I don't have to update every property by its own.

I'm sure there is a way but I could only find answers on how to do this with MVC but not when using a WEB API and not receiving the model state.


like image 869
Timothy Avatar asked Jun 30 '15 13:06


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1 Answers

db.Entry(fleet).State = EntityState.Modified;
like image 67
daryal Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09
