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EntityFramework and ReadOnlyCollection

I use EntityFramewotk and code first approach. So, I describe my model like this:

class Person
    public long Id { get;set; }
    public string Name { get;set; }
    public ICollection<Person> Parents { get;set; }

But, my domain logic don't allow to modify Parents collection (add, delete), it must be readonly (just for example). EntityFramework requires all Collections have ICollection<T> interface, and it has Add method (to materialize results) and Remove method, and others. I can create my own collection with explicit implementation of interface:

public class ParentsCollection : ICollection<Person>
    private readonly HashSet<Person> _collection = new HashSet<Person>();
    void ICollection<Person>.Add(Person item)

    bool ICollection<Person>.Remove(Person item)
        return _collection.Remove(item);

    //...and others

This hides Add and Remove methods, but does not protect at all. Because I can always cast to ICollection and call prohibited method.

So, my question is:

  • Is there a way to work with read-only collections in EntityFramework?
like image 582
Backs Avatar asked Aug 16 '15 04:08


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2 Answers

In EF Core, you can encapsulate collections and achieve true domain modeling by using backing fields. So, you can define your collection as a private field and expose it as a public readonly property like below as _parents and Parents.

class Person
    public long Id { get;set; }
    public string Name { get;set; }
    private List<Person> _parents = new List<Person>();
    public IReadOnlyCollection<Person> Parents => _parents.AsReadOnly();
    public void AddParent(Parent parent){

As you can see, Parents is a read-only collection and consumers are not allowed to modify it.

Note that _parents is discovered as a backing-field by ef core's convention.

like image 193
Ehsan Mirsaeedi Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09

Ehsan Mirsaeedi

You can expose private collection properties to EF, allowing for mapping and querying, while still keeping your domain object's members and relationships properly encapsulated. It's a bit messy, but it works:

public class Customer
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<Order> Orders
        get { return _orders.AsEnumerable(); }

    private List<Order> _orders { get; set; }

    public Customer()
        _orders = new List<Order>();

    public static Expression<Func<Customer, ICollection<Order>>> OrderMapping
        get { return c => c._orders; }

Mapping then uses:

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

This approach is described further here: http://ardalis.com/exposing-private-collection-properties-to-entity-framework

like image 40
ssmith Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09
