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Entity Framework: When to use Set<>

I'm trying understand the basics of Entity Framework and I have a question about the Set<> method on DbContext. I am using a database first model for the following question.

Let's say I have an ActivityLog database which amongst other things I can use to pull out a message (NLog message, for example). I could write some code to pull out all messages like this:

using (var entities = new ActivityLogEntities())
    foreach (var log in entities.AcitivityLogs)

However I could also achieve the same thing doing this:

using (var entities = new ActivityLogEntities())
    foreach (var message in entities.Set<ActivityLog>().Select(entity => entity.Message))

My question is what is the difference between these two statements? When is it more appropriate to use one over the other? Or is this just a matter of personal preference?

like image 514
Serberuss Avatar asked Jun 07 '13 12:06


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1 Answers

There's no significant difference. In the first case, you have something like:

class MyContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<AcitivityLog> AcitivityLogs { get; set; }

When context is creating, it looks for public DbSet<T> read/write-properties, and does this (pseudo-code):

dbSetProperty = Set<EntityType>();

But, there are cases, when you:

1) don't want to make public properties for all of you entity types;
2) don't know all of the entity types at context's design time.

In these cases Set<T> is the only way to get proper entity set.

like image 56
Dennis Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10
