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Entity Framework subquery

Guys I am new to Entity Framework and I'm having a bt of a problem that I have been trying to solve for quite a while. Basically I have 4 entities: users, groups, books and readingLists. A user can join a group and a group contains books - defined by readingList. I am trying to display a list of books for a specific group, the SQL looks like this:

    SELECT BookID FROM ReadingList rl
        WHERE rl.GroupID = '3')

I determine the GroupID being searched by querying the current user from a UserRepository and currently the 'get books by group' method is looking like this:

// Get books by group
public IQueryable<Book> GetGroupBooks(string username)
    UserRepository userRepository = new UserRepository();
    int groupId = userRepository.GetUserGroupId(username);

    IQueryable<Book> q = from b in entities.Books 
                         where b.Id == 7 // temp - these values should be determined by 
                                         // rl in entites.ReadingList select rl.BookID where r.GroupID == groupID
                         select b;

    return q;

Obviously this is a temporary measure and only returns one book, but I have included it for reference. Any help or advice here would be much appreciated.


like image 236
Apollo Avatar asked Mar 26 '11 14:03


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2 Answers

Personally I think there is a better solution(untested of course):

First select from ReadList by GroupdID, then join in books on BookID.

IQueryable<Book> q = 
       from rl in entities.ReadingList
       join b in entities.Books on rl.BookID equals b.BookID
       where rl.GroupdID ==groupID
       select b;

var books = q.ToList()

Please let me know if you have any issues.

like image 162
Nix Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09


I haven't tested it but hopefully it will work.

b => entities.ReadingList.
Where(rl => rl.GroupId == groupId).
Select(rl => rl.BookId).
like image 43
Mayank Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
