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Entity Framework Core 2 - save empty string as null in database

I'm using Entity Framework Core 2 in my application. I have a lot of nullable string columns in my database.

The problem is that I want to save empty strings as NULL in the database.

In old versions of EF, I used a IDbCommandInterceptor for implementing an interceptor, but in EF Core 2, I don't know how to write one ?

like image 757
jsDevia Avatar asked Oct 17 '22 15:10


1 Answers

There is a new IDbCommandInterceptor interface that should be able to handle this, but it looks complicated.

A simple approach is be to write a function to remove empty strings, and then call it before data is saved within your DbContext class.

public void RemoveEmptyStrings()
    // Look for changes

    // Loop through each entity
    foreach (var entity in this.ChangeTracker.Entries())
        // Use reflection to find editable string properties
        var properties = from p in entity.Entity.GetType().GetProperties()
            where p.PropertyType == typeof(string)
                  && p.CanRead
                  && p.CanWrite
            select p;

        // Loop through each property and replace empty strings with null
        foreach (var property in properties)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(property.GetValue(entity.Entity, null) as string))
                property.SetValue(entity.Entity, null, null);

Remember to override each version of SaveChanges(), SaveChanges(bool), SaveChangesAsync() in your DbContext class.

public override int SaveChanges()
    // Replace empty strings with null

    // Continue with base functionality
    return base.SaveChanges();
like image 75
Ender2050 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10
