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Entity Framework - case insensitive Contains?

I want a solution to this problem that does not involve ToUpper or ToLower, as I use in the code below;

var upper = term.ToUpper(); using (var db = this.DataContext) {     return db.Counties.Where(x => x.CountyName.ToUpper().Contains(upper)).ToList(); } 

I am using entitly framework so the C# solution of using StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase does not work. It does work for Equals, EndsWith and StartsWith, but not Contains.

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arame3333 Avatar asked Jan 18 '13 14:01


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For one thing, EF Core does know not which case-sensitive or case-insensitive collation should be used. More importantly, applying a collation would in most cases prevent index usage, significantly impacting performance for a very basic and commonly-used .

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SQL Server is, by default case insensitive; however, it is possible to create a case sensitive SQL Server database and even to make specific table columns case sensitive. The way to determine a database or database object is by checking its “COLLATION” property and look for “CI” or “CS” in the result.

What is COLLATION case-insensitive?

A case-insensitive collation ignores the differences between uppercase and lowercase letters for string comparison and sorting, whereas a case-sensitive collation does not. For example, in case-insensitive collation, “A” and “a” are equal.

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LINQ has no concept of case sensitivity, it only cares about boolean evaluation. So if you want to ignore case, you should do something like: query = query.

2 Answers

I use EF6 and Sql Server and Contains is mapped to LIKE '%@p0%' which is case insensitive in my case. So in my case:

db.Counties.Where(x => x.CountyName.Contains(term)).ToList(); 

works as needed. More info in Sjoerd answer.

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Vladislav Kostenko Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09

Vladislav Kostenko

I know that this is not related directly to EF, but only solution I can think of is to alter DB table column collation to be Case Insensitive e.g.:


CI - case insensitive / CS - case sensitive

AS - accent sensitive / AI - accent insensitive (can also be useful)

If you can't change collation of table column you can use direct query from EF with forcing collation

select *  from table where country collate Latin1_General_CI_AS != @country 
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Tomas Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
