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Entity Framework BuildContainsExpression Causes Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error 1025

I'm trying to get the following LINQ query to work against the database (3.5 SP1):

var labelIds = new List<int> { 1, 2 };
var customersAggregatedTransactionsByType =
    (from transactions in context.TransactionSet
    from customers in context.CustomerSet
        .Where(LinqTools.BuildContainsExpression<Billing.Customer, int>(u => u.LabelId, labelIds))
    from accounts in context.AccountSet
    where customers == accounts.Customer
        && accounts.Id == transactions.Account.Id
        && transactions.DateTime >= fromDate && transactions.DateTime < toDate
    group transactions.Amount
    by new
        UserAccountId = transactions.Account.Id,
        TransactionTypeId = transactions.TransactionTypeId,
        BaseAssetId = accounts.BaseAssetId
    } into customerTransactions
    select customerTransactions).ToList();

Once I add Where(LinqTools.BuildContainsExpression<Billing.Customer, int>(u => u.LabelId, labelIds)) I get the following exception:

System.InvalidOperationException: Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error 1025.

If I remove Where(LinqTools.BuildContainsExpression<Billing.Customer, int>(u => u.LabelId, labelIds)) all's good.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks, Nir.

like image 839
nirpi Avatar asked Oct 03 '10 16:10


1 Answers


        var labelIds = new List<int> { 1, 2 };
        var exp = LinqTools.BuildContainsExpression<Billing.Customer, int>(u => u.LabelId, labelIds);
        var customersAggregatedTransactionsByType =
             (from transactions in context.TransactionSet
              from customers in context.CustomerSet.Where(exp)
              from accounts in context.AccountSet
              where customers == accounts.Customer
                 && accounts.Id == transactions.Account.Id
                 && transactions.DateTime >= fromDate && transactions.DateTime < toDate
              group transactions.Amount
              by new
                  UserAccountId = transactions.Account.Id,
                  TransactionTypeId = transactions.TransactionTypeId,
                  BaseAssetId = accounts.BaseAssetId
              } into customerTransactions
              select customerTransactions).ToList();

You want the result in the query, not the call to LinqTools.BuildContainsExpression itself.

like image 117
Craig Stuntz Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 08:10

Craig Stuntz