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Entity Framework and multi-tenancy database design

I am looking at multi-tenancy database schema design for an SaaS concept. It will be ASP.NET MVC -> EF, but that isn't so important.

Below you can see an example database schema (the Tenant being the Company). The CompanyId is replicated throughout the schema and the primary key has been placed on both the natural key, plus the tenant Id.

Plugging this schema into the Entity Framework gives the following errors when I add the tables into the Entity Model file (Model1.edmx):

  • The relationship 'FK_Order_Customer' uses the set of foreign keys '{CustomerId, CompanyId}' that are partially contained in the set of primary keys '{OrderId, CompanyId}' of the table 'Order'. The set of foreign keys must be fully contained in the set of primary keys, or fully not contained in the set of primary keys to be mapped to a model.
  • The relationship 'FK_OrderLine_Customer' uses the set of foreign keys '{CustomerId, CompanyId}' that are partially contained in the set of primary keys '{OrderLineId, CompanyId}' of the table 'OrderLine'. The set of foreign keys must be fully contained in the set of primary keys, or fully not contained in the set of primary keys to be mapped to a model.
  • The relationship 'FK_OrderLine_Order' uses the set of foreign keys '{OrderId, CompanyId}' that are partially contained in the set of primary keys '{OrderLineId, CompanyId}' of the table 'OrderLine'. The set of foreign keys must be fully contained in the set of primary keys, or fully not contained in the set of primary keys to be mapped to a model.
  • The relationship 'FK_Order_Customer' uses the set of foreign keys '{CustomerId, CompanyId}' that are partially contained in the set of primary keys '{OrderId, CompanyId}' of the table 'Order'. The set of foreign keys must be fully contained in the set of primary keys, or fully not contained in the set of primary keys to be mapped to a model.
  • The relationship 'FK_OrderLine_Customer' uses the set of foreign keys '{CustomerId, CompanyId}' that are partially contained in the set of primary keys '{OrderLineId, CompanyId}' of the table 'OrderLine'. The set of foreign keys must be fully contained in the set of primary keys, or fully not contained in the set of primary keys to be mapped to a model.
  • The relationship 'FK_OrderLine_Order' uses the set of foreign keys '{OrderId, CompanyId}' that are partially contained in the set of primary keys '{OrderLineId, CompanyId}' of the table 'OrderLine'. The set of foreign keys must be fully contained in the set of primary keys, or fully not contained in the set of primary keys to be mapped to a model.
  • The relationship 'FK_OrderLine_Product' uses the set of foreign keys '{ProductId, CompanyId}' that are partially contained in the set of primary keys '{OrderLineId, CompanyId}' of the table 'OrderLine'. The set of foreign keys must be fully contained in the set of primary keys, or fully not contained in the set of primary keys to be mapped to a model.

The question is in two parts:

  1. Is my database design incorrect? Should I refrain from these compound primary keys? I'm questioning my sanity regarding the fundamental schema design (frazzled brain syndrome). Please feel free to suggest the 'idealized' schema.
  2. Alternatively, if the database design is correct, then is EF unable to match the keys because it perceives these foreign keys as a potential mis-configured 1:1 relationships (incorrectly)? In which case, is this an EF bug and how can I work around it?

Multi-tenancy database schema

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Rebecca Avatar asked May 30 '10 12:05


People also ask

What is multi-tenancy database?

The term tenancy model refers to how tenants' stored data is organized: Single-tenancy: Each database stores data from only one tenant. Multi-tenancy: Each database stores data from multiple separate tenants (with mechanisms to protect data privacy). Hybrid tenancy models are also available.

What are the three multi-tenancy models?

There are three multi-tenancy models: Database, Schema, and Table. In Database multi-tenancy, the application connects to a database and gets data while the tenancy logic is delegated to the ops layer.

How do you implement a multi-tenant database?

We can implement multi-tenancy using any of the following approaches: Database per Tenant: Each Tenant has its own database and is isolated from other tenants. Shared Database, Shared Schema: All Tenants share a database and tables. Every table has a Column with the Tenant Identifier, that shows the owner of the row.

What is multi-tenancy in .NET core?

What is multi-tenancy? At its core, multi-tenancy is an architecture where one codebase serves multiple customers while maintaining data isolation. To customers, it feels like they have their own copy of the software running, while the application really is just one deployment.

1 Answers

On a quick scan of EF's error messages, it clearly doesn't like the way you're setting up compound keys, and I think it's probably nudging you in the right direction. Give some thought again to what makes your primary keys unique. Is the OrderID alone not unique, without a CompanyID? Is a ProductID not unique, without a CompanyID? An OrderLine certainly should be unique without a CompanyID, since an OrderLine should be associated only with a single Order.

If you truly need the CompanyID for all of these, which probably means that the company in question is supplying you with ProductID and OrderID, then you might want to go a different direction, and generate your own primary keys that are not intrinsic to the data. Simply set up an auto-increment column for your primary key, and let these be the internal OrderID, OrderLineID, ProductID, CompanyID, etc. At that point, the OrderLine won't need the customer's OrderID or CompanyID; the foreign key reference to the Order would be its starting point. (And the CustomerID should never be an attribute of an order line; it's an attribute of the order, not the order line.)

Compound keys are just messy. Try designing the model without them, and see if it simplifies things.

like image 108
Cylon Cat Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09

Cylon Cat