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Entity Framework 6 - how to convert this line to async?

I am wondering how do I change this statement to be async?

    var findBarCode = context.Barcodes
        .Where(x => x.Code == barcode)
        .Select(x => x.Product).FirstOrDefault();

I don't see like any async where statement I can use.

like image 647
chobo2 Avatar asked May 19 '13 19:05


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1 Answers

There's an extension method called FirstOrDefaultAsync in System.Data.Entity:

using System.Data.Entity;
var findBarCode = await context.Barcodes
    .Where(x => x.Code == barcode)
    .Select(x => x.Product).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

This requires Entity Framework 6.0.

like image 192
Aske B. Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 17:10

Aske B.