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Entity Framework 5: Using DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed option

I have an EF5 code first project that uses the [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed)] attribute.
This option is overriding my settings.

Consider this SQL table:

  VehicleId  int identity(1,1) not null,
  Name varchar(100) not null default ('Not Set')

I am using the SQL default construct to set the [Name] is case it is not set.

In code behind, I have a class defined similar to:

public class Vehicle {

    public string ShoulderYN { get; set; }

When I update the entity in code, the value set in the default overrides my new setting.

In code, I have (pseudo):

vehicle.Name = 'Update Name of Vehicle';

The expected result is Vehicle.Name = 'Update Name of Vehicle'.
The actual result is Vehicle.Name = 'Not Set'.

Is there a way in EF5 to say:
if Vehicle.Name is null/empty, use the value defined in the database? Otherwise, if I set the value in code, I want to use this value.

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Steve Avatar asked Jul 11 '13 18:07


2 Answers

Apparently, no there isn't. It's not that smart :)

As you may already read, Computed option just tells the EF not to update your column, because you will compute a value on the DB-side yourself. EF will then just return newly computed value from your database (which in your case is "Not Set").

Your basic three options are - as per EF Source code documentation:

  • None - The database does not generate values.
  • Identity - The database generates a value when a row is inserted.
  • Computed - The database generates a value when a row is inserted or updated.


Since you expect a little more custom logic to be done, I'm afraid you would have to do it yourself. I would suggest you stop relying on database default constraint and do everything in code first approach. This way you would have a code like that:

public class Vehicle
  public Vehicle()
    this.Name = "Not set";
  // Without 'Generated' attribute
  public string Name { get; set; }

This way, when your Entity is created, it automatically starts with expected default value. And can be later changed by simply modifying the Name property.

Hope it helps!

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tomalone Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 06:11


Actually there is a simple solution for this:

  • You need to leave default constraint with value in table creation script as it is now:

    CREATE TABLE Vehicle (
      VehicleId  int identity(1,1) not null,
      Name varchar(100) not null default ('Not Set')
  • Just remove DatabaseGenerated attribute from property in class definition:

    public class Vehicle {
       public string ShoulderYN { get; set; }

And that's it: now database will use default value only if you do not specify some value in code. Hope this helps.

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Grengas Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 04:11
