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Entity Framework 4: Does it make sense to create a single diagram for all entities?

I wrote a few assumptions regarding Entity Framework, then a few questions (so please correct where I am wrong). I am trying to use POCOs with EF 4.

My assumptions:

  • Only one data context can exist for an EF diagram.
  • Data Contexts can refer to more than one entity.
  • If you have two data sources, say MS SQL server and Oracle, EF requires two different diagrams to access the data.
  • The EF diagram data context is the "Unit of Work", having a single Save() for anything on the diagram. (Sure you could wrap it in a UnitOfWork class, but it essentially has the same duties).

Assuming that's correct, here are my questions:

  • If you don't keep all entities on the same EF diagram, how do you maintain data integrity, like "Orders" cannot exist without a "Customer"? Is this solely a function of the repository to load data just to verify integrity, or do we "try/catch" on database referential integrity errors?

  • Wouldn't you create an EF diagram for each Entity? For example, I wouldn't expect changes to a customer and changes to a product to be written together as they have nothing to do with each other (having them on the same diagram would cause them to be written together). Or is the scope of an EF diagram to encompass all similar entities stored in the same storage medium?

Is it the norm to divide up the entities like that, or just have a single diagram holding all the entities? I would think the latter, but the thinking is getting the better of me.

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Zachary Scott Avatar asked Oct 05 '10 20:10

Zachary Scott

People also ask

Which approach is best in Entity Framework?

As in this diagram, if we already have domain classes, the Code First approach is best suited for our application. The same as if we have a database, Database First is a good option. If we don't have model classes and a database and require a visual entity designer tool then Model First is best suited.

What are the three approaches in Entity Framework?

There are three approaches to model your entities in Entity Framework: Code First, Model First, and Database First. This article discusses all these three approaches and their pros and cons.

When should I choose Entity Framework?

The Entity Framework enables developers to work with data in the form of domain-specific objects and properties, such as customers and customer addresses, without having to concern themselves with the underlying database tables and columns where this data is stored.

What is Entity Framework Designer?

Our Entity Framework designer allows you to execute LINQ or Entity SQL queries directly against the model without the need to write a sample application. You can use our built-in query editor to design queries, which can be saved for future use, and view the returned data and generated SQL.

1 Answers

Having one big EDM containing all the entities generally is NOT a good practice and is not recommended.
Using one large EDM will cause several issues such as:

Performance Issue in Metadata Load Times:
As the size of the schema files increase, the time it takes to parse and create an in-memory model for this metadata would also increase.

Performance Issue in View Generation:
View generation is a process that compiles the declarative mapping provided by the user into client side Entity Sql views that will be used to query and store Entities to the database. The process runs the first time either a query or SaveChanges happens. The performance of view generation step not only depends on the size of your model but also on how interconnected the model is. If two Entities are connected via an inheritance chain or an Association, they are said to be connected. Similarly if two tables are connected via a foreign key, they are connected. As the number of connected Entities and tables in your schemas increase, the view generation cost increases.

Cluttered Designer Surface:
When you generate an Edm model from a big database schema, the designer surface is cluttered with a lot of Entities and it would be hard to make sense of how your Entity model in total looks like. If you don’t have a good overview of the Entity Model, how are you going to customize it?

Intellisense experience is not great:
When you generate an Edm model from a database with say 1000 tables, you will end up with 1000 different entity sets. Imagine how your intellisense experience would be when you type “context.” in the VS code window.

Cluttered CLR Namespaces:
Since a model schema will have a single EDM namespace, the generated code will place the classes in a single namespace.

For a more detailed discussion, have a look at Working With Large Models In Entity Framework – Part 1

While there is no out of the box solution for this but it suggests that instead, you should Naturally Disconnected Subsets in your model meaning that based on your domain model, you should come up with different sets of domain models each containing related objects while each set is unrelated and disconnected from the other one. No Foreign Keys in between could be a good sign for separation. And this make sense because in a large model, usually your application does not require all the tables in a database to be mapped to one Entity Model in order to work.

Even if this kind of separation is not 100% possible - meaning that there are subsets of tables that have out going foreign keys to other tables in the database - it still encourages you do separate them. When you do this, you would have to take the responsibility of setting the foreign key appropriately. There would be no navigation property that allows you to get the Entity that represents this foreign key. Of course you could manually query for this Entity in the other container if needed.

Also, for some tips and tricks on how you can split one large entity model into smaller ones while reusing types, take a look at: Working With Large Models In Entity Framework – Part 2

About your question: Order and Customer belong to the same natural domain and should be kept in the same EDM. Like I said, you can scatter them over 2 different entity data models but then you have to take the responsibility of setting the appropriate foreign keys or you'll get runtime exceptions, by the same token, Customer and Product should be kept in separate entity data models. Following these rules, you can come up with a well defined domain set design in your data access layer.

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Morteza Manavi Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 10:10

Morteza Manavi