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Entitlements don't match Provisioning Profile (0xE8008016)

today I finally got my Company-Developer-Account. I'm working on an App, first on my private Account and today I wanted to move the App to the company account. So I created a new Bundle-Identifier on developer.apple.com and changed the Bundle-Identifier also in my Xcode-Project. Furthermore, I've added the Account to Xcode, changed Signing to my new Company Account and let Xcode fix the Provisioning-File-Troubles. (In Xcode I see two Team-Members from one Account, one is Agent, the other User. Maybe it's important that I've choose the Agent-Team-Member. Unfortunately I can't change because then I get the error "change to a unique bundle-id, because the bundle-id is already on the Agent-Team?^^) Running with the Simulator works fine, but when I want to test on my Phone I get the following Error: The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file are invalid, not permitted, or do not match those specified in your provisioning profile. (0xE8008016).

If I press the I next to the provisioning file, I see the following Entitlements: enter image description here

And under Entitlements I've just the Push-Notifications enabled. But this was like this before changing Bundle Identifier

like image 784
Stephan Boner Avatar asked Dec 05 '16 23:12

Stephan Boner

1 Answers

I had this same problem and none of the solutions I found on stack overflow, or github worked for me.

Here's my solution:

  1. Select your project in the Project navigator enter image description here

  2. Select the "General" tab.

  3. To the left of the "General" tab, select your target to the left; (this should show a dropdown with a list of targets)
  4. Below your current target you should see an item {your project}Tests; select that.
    1. Check the signing properties in the general tab and make sure they are valid.

This was the problem for me. Hope it helps.

like image 98
Scott Terry Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10

Scott Terry