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English UI Terminology: Directory, or Folder?

When you are designing an application (assumed in English), and you ask the user to provide a path to a directory/folder, do you use the term Directory or Folder?

Is one more understood than the other? Is one more "correct" than the other?

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Brandon Avatar asked Jul 28 '09 00:07


People also ask

What is difference between folder and directory?

“Folder” is the progid for any shell folder. It could be a virtual folder (like Control Panel) or a file system folder (like C:\WINDOWS). “Directory” is the progid for file system folders. This is a subset of “Folder”.

What is a folder called in Web application terminology?

Folders are also called "directories," and they are created on the hard drive (HD) or solid state drive (SSD) when the operating system and applications are installed. Files are always stored in folders.

Why is it called a directory?

Directory is a 'special file' that knows where (the content of) a file is stored in the memory (through inode). This makes sense why it is called directory.

What is the difference between directory and file?

The file system is responsible for managing information on the disk. Information is stored in files, which are stored in directories (folders). Directories can also store other directories, which forms a directory tree. / on its own is the root directory of the whole filesystem.

2 Answers

Please note that they are not synonyms. Directories and Folders behave differently. For example, if you want to remove a File from a Folder, you need access to the Folder and the File, because the File is stored inside the Folder.

If, however, you want to remove a File from a Directory, you need access only to the Directory, because a Directory itself is just a regular File that lists the locations of (but does not contain) other Files. So, you just need to strike out that entry from the Directory, no access to the File is required.

This distinction is pretty important, because false and thus misleading metaphors can be at least confusing and in the worst case pretty dangerous when talking about filesystems. (Confusion about filesystem behaviour often translates into accidental information disclosure, data loss or security holes.)

A great percentage of questions on Unix mailinglists, but also here, on ServerFault and on SuperUser, about what to the asker seems to be confusing filesystem behaviour, can be traced directly back to thinking about Folders, when Unix does in fact have Directories.

So, in other words: use "Folder" when dealing with folders and "Directory" when dealing with directories.

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Jörg W Mittag Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Jörg W Mittag

'Directory' is older and usually used on Unix-ish systems. 'Folder' is usually used on Windows. Personally, I use 'folder' even for GUI apps on both Linux and Windows, it just sounds more "user friendly". (And I doubt anyone will really care that I didn't use the "correct" term.)

If you think your users (e.g. technical users) will be happier with 'directory', use that, but otherwise, I would go with 'folder'.

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Zifre Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
