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Enforcing web coding standards [duplicate]

The HTML standard defines a clear separation of concerns between CSS (presentation) and HTML (semantics or structure).

Does anyone use a coding standards document for CSS and XHTML that has clauses which help to maintain this separation? What would be good clauses to include in such a coding standards document?

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Sir Rippov the Maple Avatar asked Nov 06 '22 23:11

Sir Rippov the Maple

1 Answers

We don't have a physical document we all adhere to where I work. There are a number of guidelines we try and keep in mind but there isn't really enough information to require a physcial document. This article sums them up these guidelines pretty well. You may also consider formatting your CSS to make it easier to read. Smashing Magazine has a great article on this subject.

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Lee Theobald Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 18:11

Lee Theobald