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Enforce tests run before TFS check in

Does anyone know how to enforce that all tests pass before a TFS check in?

like image 827
Sara Avatar asked Nov 05 '10 10:11


2 Answers

TFS provides so-called Gated check-ins. That means: the complete build (which includes the test runs) is run and has to pass, otherwise the check-in is rejected. It's quite performance-demanding and somewhat time-consuming, when working in a larger team, but otherwise works like a charm.


like image 55
Thomas Weller Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10

Thomas Weller

You can use the default "Testing checkin policy".

If you want to create your own testing policy, you can use this.

like image 23
Ewald Hofman Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10

Ewald Hofman