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"Encoded" login names in SharePoint Client Object Model

I'm writing a small .NET proof-of-concept console app that performs a series of actions on a SharePoint document library. I noticed that the following methods expect an "encoded" login name - that is, login name including provider information, e.g. i:0#.w|DOMAIN\user.


How do I reliably convert a user name such as DOMAIN\user to this encoded format in the SharePoint Client Object Model?

I've read a couple of blog posts that address this issue with the SPClaimProviderManager, which is not available in the client API.

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bernhof Avatar asked Jan 28 '14 09:01


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1 Answers

I am able to get the encoded login name using the ResolvePrincipal utility method:

using SP = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

// resolve user principal using regular login name or e-mail:
var userPrincipal = SP.Utilities.Utility.ResolvePrincipal(
  "DOMAIN\\user", // normal login name


// ensure that the user principal was resolved:
if (userPrincipal.Value == null)
  throw new Exception("The specified user principal could not be resolved");

// get a User instance based on the encoded login name from userPrincipal
var user = context.Web.SiteUsers.GetByLoginName(userPrincipal.LoginName);


This seems to work as intended. However, if there is a better way or caveats that I should be aware of, please let me know.

like image 154
bernhof Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09
