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Encode google sheet rows into base64 string


I have a google sheet with multiple columns. I wish to combine values of each row into an string and convert that string to base64.

example: Sheet Data

A1           B1         C1        D1                         E1    
NewYork     Smith      kalk       [email protected]          468783778


NewYork,Smith,kalk,[email protected],468783778

Resultant base64:


like image 446
daemonThread Avatar asked Aug 20 '18 10:08


People also ask

How do I encode data in Base64?

Encode to Base64 formatSimply enter your data then push the encode button. To encode binaries (like images, documents, etc.) use the file upload form a little further down on this page. Destination character set. Destination newline separator.

How do I Base64 encode a string?

If we were to Base64 encode a string we would follow these steps: Take the ASCII value of each character in the string. Calculate the 8-bit binary equivalent of the ASCII values. Convert the 8-bit chunks into chunks of 6 bits by simply re-grouping the digits.

How do I encode in Google Sheets?

To use ENCODEURL, open the add-ons menu and select "ENCODEURL." Then, enter the URL you want to encode into the text box and press "Encode." The encoded URL will be displayed in the text box below.

Can Base64 encode anything?

The base64 is a binary to a text encoding scheme that represents binary data in an ASCII string format. base64 is designed to carry data stored in binary format across the channels. It takes any form of data and transforms it into a long string of plain text.

1 Answers

I joined all the column data into one

NewYork,Smith,Kal T,kalk,[email protected],468783778

by using this formula:

=arrayformula(A2:A&", "&B2:B&", "&C2:C&", "&D2:D&", "&E2:E)

Then, I opened script editor (Tools ->Script editor) and write the following function BASE64() to it. Apply Base64() function to column in which above data is present and it will do the encoding.

    * A custom function that encodes or decodes base64.
    *@param {"R29vZ2xl"} data The string to encode/decode.
    *@param {1} encode 1/true = encode (default).0/false = decode.
    *@param {1} charsetStr The character set to use. Allowed values are "UTF-8" and "US-ASCII". Defaults to UTF-8.
    *@param {0} websafe Whether the output string should be safe for use in URLs or not. Defaults to false.
    *@param {0} asString Whether the decoded value should be returned as a string (default) or byte array.
    *@result {"Google"} The result to be returned.
    function BASE64(data,encode,charsetStr,websafe,asString) {
      if(data==="" || data==null){return "No data"}
      if(encode==="" || encode==null){encode=1}  
      else if(encode != 1 && encode!=0 && encode!= true && encode!= false){return "Encode?";}
      else if(encode==false){encode=0;}
      if(charsetStr==="" || charsetStr==null){charsetStr="UTF-8"}
      else if(charsetStr!="UTF-8" && charsetStr!="US-ASCII"){return "Charset?"}
      if(charsetStr=="UTF-8" || charsetStr==1){var charset = Utilities.Charset.UTF_8;}
      else{var charset = Utilities.Charset.US_ASCII;}
      if(websafe==="" ||websafe==null){websafe=0}
      else if(websafe != 1 && websafe!=0 && websafe!= true && websafe!= false){return "Websafe?";}
      else if(websafe==true){websafe=1;}
      else if(websafe==false){websafe=0} 
      if(asString==="" ||asString==null){asString=1}
      else if(asString != 1 && asString!=0 && asString!= true && asString!= false){return "AsString?";}
      else if(asString==true){asString=1;}
      else if(asString==false){asString=0}
      var value;
            value= Utilities.base64Decode(data, charset);
            value= Utilities.newBlob(Utilities.base64Decode(data, charset)).getDataAsString(charsetStr);
            value= Utilities.base64DecodeWebSafe(data, charset);
            value= Utilities.newBlob(Utilities.base64Decode(data, charset)).getDataAsString(charsetStr);
            value= Utilities.base64Encode(data, charset);
        else{value= Utilities.base64EncodeWebSafe(data, charset);}         
      return value;  
like image 149
daemonThread Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09
