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Enabling multi threaded downloading in chrome

I want to create a chrome extension which can enable multi thread downloading of files. Does chrome expose some API which can be used to read file streams using javascript?

I was wondering why does chrome by default not support multi threaded downloading? Also if there are any ways of doing the same right now?

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tusharmath Avatar asked Feb 02 '13 16:02


People also ask

Should I enable parallel downloading in Chrome?

Parallel downloading Parallel downloading creates three separate download “jobs” to accelerate the downloading of large files. Enabling this Flag can make downloads of large files much faster.

How do I enable download queue in Chrome?

To add all files to the download queue, right-click anywhere on the screen, hover the cursor over DownThemAll!, and select DownThemAll!. Then, select the types of files and choose Download. In the same way, you can download files from all the tabs together.

1 Answers

The downloads API (as of now, available on the dev channel only) seems to support your request. Each invocation of the chrome.downloads.download method constitutes a download of its own inside a separate thread (or process, for that matter).

like image 139
Timo Reimann Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Timo Reimann