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Enabling jQuery Autocomplete on dynamically created input fields

I've read almost every article i could find on how to accomplish this, but i'm still failing miserably. mostly because i'm an amateur at jQuery/Javascript.

I have a website that contains one input element. I've managed to get jQuery Autocomplete working nicely on this. The problem is that when i dynamically add additional elements using the .append method, these new elements do not work with autocomplete.

See jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/aktive/r08m8vvy/

see jsfiddle for full code sample

Thankyou in advance for your help!! :) -Dean

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aktive Avatar asked Oct 22 '14 00:10


People also ask

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Create a button and on clicking this button we will dynamically add the input fields. Now write the click() function to handle the adding and removing functionality. Use the append() method to add the input field code to the existing HTML document.

How does autocomplete work in jQuery?

In the process of searching a specific value, the jQuery UI autocomplete selection feature provides the user with some string suggestions for the input area which effectively saves time. The autocomplete select action is triggered when the user selects one of the options from the pre-populated list.

What is jQuery ui autocomplete?

Autocomplete mechanism is frequently used in modern websites to provide the users a list of suggestion while typing the beginning word in the text box. It facilitates the user to select an item from the list, which will be displayed in the input field.

3 Answers

You must bind autocomplete after adding new elements

                source: availableAttributes

See example: http://jsfiddle.net/r08m8vvy/4/

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dfionov Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10


I actually found that a more reliable way was to bind using 'on' with the 'focus' action to init the auto complete based on the field class and destory it on exit. This way it cleans up the garbage and only inits it once you need to.

I was using it with cloning rows though and even doing deep cloning, which would clone the plus and minus buttons for the rows, it wasn't cloning the autocomplete.

var auto_opts = {...opts...}

$('body').on('focus', '.search_field', function(){
    $(this).autocomplete(auto_opts).on('blur', function(){$(this).autocomplete('destroy')});

It also means that you aren't forced into using the last row because it works on the field as you focus on it

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crazeyez Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10


See http://jsfiddle.net/r08m8vvy/2/

Give the new input an ID and call autocomplete on it. The initial autocompate call you make won't include the dynamically added inputs.

 $(wrapper).append('<div><input id="' + x + '" type="text" name="mytext"/><a href="#" class="remove_field">Remove</a></div>'); //add input box

 $( "input[id="+ x +"]" ).autocomplete({
     source: availableAttributes
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artm Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
