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enable cors in .htaccess

I have created a basic RESTful service with the SLIM PHP framework and now I'm trying to wire it up so that I can access the service from an Angular.js project. I have read that Angular supports CORS out of the box and all I needed to do was add this line: Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" to my .htaccess file.

I've done this and my REST application is still working (no 500 internal server error from a bad .htaccess) but when I try to test it from test-cors.org it is throwing an error.

Fired XHR event: loadstart Fired XHR event: readystatechange Fired XHR event: error  XHR status: 0 XHR status text:  Fired XHR event: loadend 

My .htaccess file looks like this

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^ /index.php [QSA,L] Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "GET,POST,OPTIONS,DELETE,PUT" 

Is there something else I need to add to my .htaccess to get this to work properly or is there another way to enable CORS on my server?

like image 927
Devin Crossman Avatar asked Jan 22 '13 20:01

Devin Crossman

People also ask

How do I fix a blocked CORS policy?

Use a Chrome extension to add Access-Control-Allow-Origin header into every response. To find one of them, just head over to Chrome Webstore and type in "CORS", dozens will show up in the search result. Or you can install CORS Helper, CORS Unblock or dyna CORS right away.

How do I fix CORS header Access-Control allow Origin missing?

If the server is under your control, add the origin of the requesting site to the set of domains permitted access by adding it to the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header's value. You can also configure a site to allow any site to access it by using the * wildcard. You should only use this for public APIs.

1 Answers

Since I had everything being forwarded to index.php anyway I thought I would try setting the headers in PHP instead of the .htaccess file and it worked! YAY! Here's what I added to index.php for anyone else having this problem.

// Allow from any origin if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'])) {     // should do a check here to match $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'] to a     // whitelist of safe domains     header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: {$_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']}");     header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true');     header('Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400');    // cache for 1 day } // Access-Control headers are received during OPTIONS requests if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'OPTIONS') {      if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD']))         header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS");               if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS']))         header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: {$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS']}");  } 

credit goes to slashingweapon for his answer on this question

Because I'm using Slim I added this route so that OPTIONS requests get a HTTP 200 response

// return HTTP 200 for HTTP OPTIONS requests $app->map('/:x+', function($x) {     http_response_code(200); })->via('OPTIONS'); 
like image 134
Devin Crossman Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10

Devin Crossman