Emulator: emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration! Emulator: Process finished with exit code 1

I was having the exact same problem. This is how I fixed it (for Windows):
- Go into Android Studio and open the SDK Manager (under the Tools menu)
- Under SDK Platforms tab, UNCHECK any boxes that are selected. If there are any boxes checked, that means they are installed - but we want to uninstall them for now.
- Go to the SDK Tools tab. Make sure that Android Emulator, Android SDK Platform-Tools, and Android SDK Tools are all checked.
- In the same tab, make sure that the Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator is UNCHECKED. If it is checked, that means it is installed, but we want to uninstall it for now. (I also uninstalled Android SDK Build-Tools, but I'm not all sure if that step was necessary.)
- Go to this link: https://github.com/intel/haxm/releases/download/v7.2.0/haxm-windows_v7_2_0.zip This is where we re-install the Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator. Save it to your Downloads folder, and extract files. Do not launch any setup wizards yet!
- Shut down your computer. As you start it up again, launch BIOS (For Windows 10, hold down F10 key). In BIOS, press the right arrow until you get to the third tab. Under there, go down to an option for Virtualization. If it is set as Disabled, use the Enter key to set it to Enabled. Press F10 to save and exit.
- Go back into your Downloads folder, or wherever you saved the Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (aka haxm). Double click on the file intelhaxm-android. This will install haxm to your computer.
- Go into Android Studio, and open up the SDK Manager again. In the SDK Platforms tab, re-check the boxes for the APIs that you want. This will re-install them, since earlier we uninstalled them. (I tried to install API 28, but afterwards it was labeled Partially Installed, so I went ahead and downloaded APIs 27 and 26.) Click Apply and allow it/them to install.
- Go to the tab SDK Tools and re-check the boxes for Android SDK Build-Tools and Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator. Click Apply and allow them to install.
- At this point, I had already set up a Virtual Device with API 26, and it successfully loaded. Make sure that if you are setting up a Virtual Device, that you set it for an API that you installed in Step 8.
That was my solution, I hope it works for you!
An easier solution that worked for me (windows 10, Android Studio 3.1.4), just reinstall the HAXM installer:
1. Open SDK Manager > SDK Tools
2. Uncheck Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM Installer) -> Click Apply
3. Check Again
4. After the installation process, you should be able to launch the emulator.
For me, I didn't noticed that I had hyper-v enabled when I first installed Android Studio. When trying to reinstall the emulator I got an error message letting me know it needed to be disabled for HAXM to work. So, I first needed to disable hyper-v:
- Press Windows Key Type "Turn windows features on or off"
- Find and uncheck Hyper-V
- Restart
Then you just need to re-install the emulator
- Open Tools->SDK manager in Android Studio
- Click the SDK tools tab
- Uncheck the Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator box
- Click Apply
- Check the Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator box
- Click Apply
The emulator should download and reinstall and should give you a success message. Now the emulator should start.